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Aculab Cloud now supports SMS

We are pleased to announce that we have transitioned from our beta test phase and now fully support inbound and outbound SMS in six countries so far, with many more being added shortly:

  • Belgium
  • Canada
  • Spain
  • Sweden
  • United Kingdom
  • United States

You will be able to use both voice and SMS on the same numbers – there is no need to run voice and SMS services separately. In Belgium, Spain, Sweden and the UK, we have launched a new number type – ‘Mobile’ –  to support this new service. Additionally, UK geographic numbers can also support SMS services. In the US and Canada, you will be able to SMS-enable the geographic number type to perform inbound and outbound messaging.

The two way messaging capabilities are ideal for building applications such as appointment reminder systems, message broadcast systems and those requiring two factor authentication (2FA) of customer accounts. The new APIs for sending and receiving SMS messages complement the already extensive voice capabilities of the Aculab Cloud platform.

Useful links:

SMS pricing