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Build simple, powerful apps for businesses of all sizes.

Your application, built using high-level APIs, and hosted on your own server, controls the Aculab Cloud resources that handle your voice calls, SMS and fax communications, and provide multi-lingual text-to-speech and speech recognition. There’s no need for you to have specialist telephony equipment, Aculab Cloud takes care of the telephony for you.

How do I start?

Sign up for your free developer account and you can:

  • Receive inbound calls free of charge
  • Make outbound SIP calls free of charge
And get access to all our documentation, including;

Once you have satisfied yourself it does what you need, you can upgrade to a Production account where you can buy inbound telephone numbers and make outbound telephone calls, with attractive pay as you go pricing.

It’s all managed by you through an easy-to-use console. Learn more about it here.

Try it free


Want to know more?

  • Inbound calls

    You set up an Inbound Service on a telephone number or SIP address to run one of your applications when it receives an inbound call.

    Developer accounts include use of a range of dedicated test telephone numbers.

    Read more

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