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Understanding Aculab Machine IDs

Understanding Aculab Machine IDs

This information only applies to ACT and Licence Manager version 3.x and earlier; it does not apply to Aculab’s latest licensing scheme where Machine IDs are not required.

Aculab software is tied to a host, and the Machine ID field is a unique hardware derived identifier for the host computer that the Aculab software is to be run on. There are two stages to obtaining Aculab software for evaluation or deployment:

Step 1 – software download/install

The Aculab Installation Tool (AIT) is used to select, download and install Aculab’s software.

Step 2 – software activation

The activation is performed by the web-based activation system by the creation of software keys for particular products or features. With the telephony software downloaded, the Aculab configuration tool (ACT) should be started, and a Machine_ID generated for the host on which the Aculab software is to be run. This is done via the Licence Manager tab in the ACT.

As an example, a detailed step-by-step guide for activating Prosody S is also available here. The process for activating other Aculab software such as SIGTRAN is similar.


Note that a unique Machine ID should be generated for each licence key loaded, therefore the source of the Machine ID should always be the ACT tool, rather than relying on the use of a Machine ID taken from a key already installed on the target host.


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