Why can't I boot my Prosody X card?
There are a number of reasons a Prosody X card will not boot: -
- The card's IP addresses have not been configured correctly
Please read the 'V6 Call, Switch and Speech Installation Guide' and 'Aculab Prosody X Base Card and PMX/C Module Administration Guide' for more information on how to correctly configure a Prosody X card.
- Another device on the network is configured to use the same IP address as your Prosody X card
This can occur on occasions and can sometimes be difficult to diagnose as many machines have ping disabled for security reasons. A good way of checking if multiple devices are using the same IP address is to use the ARP command to display a list of MAC and IP addresses for all known devices. The output from the ARP command will look something like this: -
Address | HWtype | HWaddress | Flags | Iface |
b_triton.aculab.com | ether | 00:0F:1F:65:4F:13 | C | eth0 | | ether | 00:02:1F:00:09:E4 | C | acumam179774 |
In this example, the Prosody X card host IP address is, MAC address 00:02:1F:00:09:E4. If there were multiple entries for the same IP address, but different MAC addresses, then booting problems will occur.
If two devices appear to have the same IP address then try changing the IP addresses of one of the conflicting devices.
- Incorrect setting on a managed switch
Some newer managed switches have the option to disable auto-negotiation of the link speed between the switch and devices connected to it. This causes problems when booting a ProsodyX card. To resolve this, make sure auto-negotiation is enabled on your switch.