Report Format
This describes the reports generated by Aculab Cloud.
Unless otherwise documented times are specified in seconds since the Unix epoch UTC, 1st January 1970 00:00, where UTC is the Coordinated Universal Time.
- Application Data Record (ADR)
- Call Data Record (CDR)
- Feature Data Record (FDR)
- Message Record (MSG)
- Error Record (ERR)
- Chargeable Service Record (CSR)
Header Type Description Date_Time of record string the date and time of the record in the format YYYY-MM-DD_hh:mm:ss Application Instance ID string the application instance's unique ID. Application Name string the name of the application. Start Time integer the time the application instance started. Start Datetime string the time the application instance started formatted as YYYY-MM-DD_hh:mm:ss. Stop Time integer the time the application instance stopped. Stop Datetime string the time the application instance stopped formatted as YYYY-MM-DD_hh:mm:ss. Duration float the duration of the application instance in seconds. Text-To-Speech seconds float the duration of any Text-To-Speech used in seconds. Text-To-Speech Unit Cost float the per minute cost of any Text-To-Speech used. Extra Channels integer the number of extra channels configured for the application instance. Fax enabled string "true" if fax is enabled on the service. Else "false". Platform cost float the Aculab Cloud platform cost for the instance. Extra channel cost float the cost of any extra channel usage. PSTN outbound cost float the cost of any outbound PSTN telephone calls. Text-To-Speech cost float the cost of any Text-To-Speech used. Toll free cost float the cost of any toll free telephone calls. Feature seconds float the total duration of any features used in seconds. Feature cost float the total cost of any features used. Total cost float the total cost for the application instance Costs valid string "true" if the costs provided are valid. Else "false". Status integer the numeric return code passed back by the application instance Outbound arguments string a shortened representation of the outbound parameters passed to the application instance. Application arguments string a shortened representation of the application parameters sent to the application instance. REST Log Filename string the name of the REST log file associated with this instance. Empty for non-REST applications. UAS IP Address string for REST applications this returns an empty string. Otherwise it contains the public ip address of the UAS where the application was run. UAS Display Name string for REST applications this return an empty string. Otherwise it contains the UAS name as set in the UAS Management Console settings page where this application was run. REST Destination Address string the to parameter supplied for an outbound REST call. Empty for non-REST or inbound applications. REST Originating Address string the from parameter supplied for an outbound REST call. Empty for non-REST or inbound applications. REST Initial Token string a shortened representation of the token parameter initially supplied for an outbound REST call. Empty for non-REST or inbound applications. Neural Text-To-Speech seconds float the duration of any neural Text-To-Speech used in seconds. Neural Text-To-Speech Unit Cost float the per minute cost of any neural Text-To-Speech used. Neural Text-To-Speech cost float the cost of any neural Text-To-Speech used. -
Header Type Description Date_Time of record string the date and time of the record in the format YYYY-MM-DD_hh:mm:ss Call ID string the call's unique ID. Destination Address string the target destination of the call. Originating Address string the address from which the call was made. Dir string the direction of the call ("in", "out" or "client"). Type string "p" for a primary call channel, "x" for an extra channel, "ca" for an audio only WebRTC client call, "cv" for a WebRTC client call with video. Initiated float the time at which the call was placed. Initiated Datetime string the time at which the call was placed formatted as YYYY-MM-DD_hh:mm:ss. Connected float the time at which the call became connected. Connected Datetime string the time at which the call became connected formatted as YYYY-MM-DD_hh:mm:ss. Hangup float the time at which the call was hung up. Hangup Datetime string the time at which the call was hung up formatted as YYYY-MM-DD_hh:mm:ss. Duration float the duration of the call in seconds. Joined time float the duration in seconds for which the call was joined (connected or transferred) to another call. Hangup cause string the reason why the call was disconnected. Call cost float the cost of the call Costs valid string "true" if the costs provided are valid. Else "false". -
Header Type Description Date_Time of record string the date and time of the record in the format YYYY-MM-DD_hh:mm:ss Feature ID string the feature's unique ID. Audio Path string a string describing the audio path of the call to which the feature was applied: "in", "out", "mixed" or "" if not applicable. Type string the type of feature used.
Speech Recognition features start with "sr" and include:
"sr_play", "sr_get_input", "sr_run_speech_menu", "sr_start_transcription" for standard models and
"srp1_play", "srp1_get_input", "srp1_run_speech_menu", "srp1_start_transcription" for premium models.
Speaker Verification features start with "sv" and include:
"sv_register" and "sv_verify".
Connect Translator features start with "ct" and include:
"ct_connect_translator" for a translator using a standard Text-To-Speech voice and a standard speech recognition model,
"ctn_connect_translator" for a translator using a neural Text-To-Speech voice and a standard speech recognition model,
"ctp1_connect_translator" for a translator using a standard Text-To-Speech voice and a premium speech recognition model and
"ctnp1_connect_translator" for a translator using a neural Text-To-Speech voice and a premium speech recognition model.Initiated float the time at which the feature started. Initiated Datetime string the time at which the feature started formatted as YYYY-MM-DD_hh:mm:ss. Completed float the time at which the feature stopped. Completed Datetime string the time at which the feature stopped formatted as YYYY-MM-DD_hh:mm:ss. Duration float the duration of the feature in seconds. Charged Duration float the duration in seconds that was used to calculate cost. Cost float the cost of using the feature. Unit Cost float the per minute cost of using the feature. Costs valid string "true" if the costs provided are valid. Else "false". Application ID string the application instance's unique ID. Call ID string the call id for the call on which the feature was used. Transaction ID string the ID of the transaction. -
Header Type Description Date_Time of record string the date and time of the record in the format YYYY-MM-DD_hh:mm:ss Type string either "sms" or "mms". Direction string "send" if the message was sent from Aculab Cloud, "receive" if it was received. Message Reference ID string a unique reference ID for this message. If it's a sent message, it was returned by msg_send. Status string the message status, such as "submitted to carrier", "sent", "delivered", "accepted", "failed (reason)" or "received". The possible values are described in the status table. Final string "T" if no more updates will occur. Else "F". Cost float the cost of the message. From string the number of the phone sending the message. A full international number without any leading +. To string the number of the phone receiving the message. A full international number without any leading +. Multipart UID string an ID for the overall message, shared by all its parts, which is unique among all recent messages in this direction. (Multipart messages only.) Multipart position string position of this message part within the overall message, 1...multipart_count. (Multipart messages only.) Multipart count string number of message parts within the overall message. (Multipart messages only.) Content string the content of your message. If it includes characters not present in standard 7-bit ASCII, they'll be encoded as UTF-8. (Accounts can be configured to omit this. Contact us if you want this omitted) Aculab Msg Error string More detailed information about the status of the message, only available on selected carriers. See the aculab_msg_err table for possible return codes. Message media location string the location of any received media files in the message media cloud store. -
Header Type Description Date_Time of record string the date and time of the record in the format YYYY-MM-DD_hh:mm:ss Application Instance ID string the unique ID of the application instance that produced the error. Error code string a four digit code for the error. Error text string a textual explanation of the error. Error link string a link to online documentation for the error code. -
Header Type Description Date_Time of record string the date and time of the record in the format YYYY-MM-DD_hh:mm:ss Request ID string the web service request's unique ID. Service URL string the URL for the service. Amount Used float the amount of resources used by this service request. The meaning depends on the service requested. Charged Amount float the amount that was used to calculate cost. Cost float the cost of the service request. Unit Cost float the unit cost of the service request. Costs valid string "true" if the costs provided are valid. Else "false". Request Details string the service request details.