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speech barge in options

  Available in REST API Version 2 and later.

Defines the language and specific words or short phrases that may barge in on a play action.

Used by actions play

language wrappers and examples

It has the following properties:

languageoptionalen-USA BCP 47 language code for the barge in phrases. Use a language code from the Speech Recognition Languages page.
barge in phrasesoptional-An array of strings each containing a word or short phrase that may be spoken to barge in.
speech model optionsoptional-A speech model options object to select and configure the model used.

  • Examples:

    • Set the language and some barge in phrases:

      		"language" : "en-GB",
      		"barge_in_phrases" :
  • SpeechBargeInOptions Class
    Namespace: Aculab.Cloud.RestAPIWrapper
    Assembly: Aculab.Cloud.RestAPIWrapper.dll

    A class representing the options for speech input during a play action.

    • public class SpeechBargeInOptions 
          // Constructors
          public SpeechBargeInOptions(string language = null);
          // Members
          public string Language;
          public List<string> BargeInPhrases;
          public bool ShouldSerializeBargeInPhrases();
          public SpeechModelOptions SpeechModelOptions;


      • Set the language and some barge in phrases:

        var speechBargeInOptions = new SpeechBargeInOptions("en-GB")
        BargeInPhrases = { "cancel", "stop" }
        var playAction = Play.SayText("Welcome");
        playAction.BargeInOnSpeechOptions = speechBargeInOptions;
    • public class SpeechBargeInOptions 
          // Constructors
          public SpeechBargeInOptions(string language = null);
          // Members
          public string Language;
          public List<string> BargeInPhrases;
          public bool ShouldSerializeBargeInPhrases();
          public SpeechModelOptions SpeechModelOptions;


      • Set the language and some barge in phrases:

        var speechBargeInOptions = new SpeechBargeInOptions("en-GB")
        BargeInPhrases = { "cancel", "stop" }
        var playAction = Play.SayText("Welcome");
        playAction.BargeInOnSpeechOptions = speechBargeInOptions;
    • public class SpeechBargeInOptions 
          // Constructors
          public SpeechBargeInOptions(string language = null);
          // Members
          public string Language;
          public List<string> BargeInPhrases;
          public bool ShouldSerializeBargeInPhrases();
          public SpeechModelOptions SpeechModelOptions;


      • Set the language and some barge in phrases:

        var speechBargeInOptions = new SpeechBargeInOptions("en-GB")
        BargeInPhrases = { "cancel", "stop" }
        var playAction = Play.SayText("Welcome");
        playAction.BargeInOnSpeechOptions = speechBargeInOptions;
  • SpeechBargeInOptions Class
    Namespace: Aculab.Cloud.RestAPIWrapper
    Assembly: Aculab.Cloud.RestAPIWrapper.dll

    A class representing the options for speech input during a play action.

    • Public Class SpeechBargeInOptions
          ' Constructors
          Public Sub New (Optional language As String = Nothing)
          ' Members
          Public Property Language As String
          Public Property BargeInPhrases As List(Of String)
          Public Function ShouldSerializeBargeInPhrases() As Bool
          Public Property SpeechModelOptions As Speechmodeloptions
      End Class


      • Set the language and some barge in phrases:

        Dim speechBargeInOptions = New SpeechBargeInOptions("en-GB")
        Dim playAction = Play.SayText("Welcome")
        playAction.BargeInOnSpeechOptions = speechBargeInOptions
    • Public Class SpeechBargeInOptions
          ' Constructors
          Public Sub New (Optional language As String = Nothing)
          ' Members
          Public Property Language As String
          Public Property BargeInPhrases As List(Of String)
          Public Function ShouldSerializeBargeInPhrases() As Bool
          Public Property SpeechModelOptions As Speechmodeloptions
      End Class


      • Set the language and some barge in phrases:

        Dim speechBargeInOptions = New SpeechBargeInOptions("en-GB")
        Dim playAction = Play.SayText("Welcome")
        playAction.BargeInOnSpeechOptions = speechBargeInOptions
  • class SpeechBargeInOptions extends JSONElement

    Represents the Speech Barge In Options support class.

    Class synopsis:

    // Constructors:
    public SpeechBargeInOptions()
    // Members:
    public void setLanguage(String language)
    public void setBargeInPhrases(List<String> phrases)
    public void setSpeechModelOptions(SpeechModelOptions speechModelOptions)


    • Set the language and some barge in phrases:

      List<String> barge_in_phrases = new ArrayList<>();
      SpeechBargeInOptions options = new SpeechBargeInOptions();
  • class SpeechBargeInOptions

    Represents the Speech Barge In Options support class.

    Class synopsis:

    # SpeechBargeInOptions object:
    # Instance methods:


    • Set the language and some barge in phrases:

      speech_barge_in_opts = SpeechBargeInOptions()
  • The SpeechBargeInOptions class


    Represents speech barge in options.

    Class synopsis

    class SpeechBargeInOptions {
        /* methods */
        public __construct()
        public self setLanguage(string $lang)
        public self setBargeInPhrases(array $phrases)
        public self setSpeechModelOptions(SpeechModelOptions $opts)


    • Set the language and some barge in phrases:

      $speech_barge_in_options = new \Aculab\TelephonyRestAPI\SpeechBargeInOptions();
          ->setBargeInPhrases(["cancel", "stop"]);