right  Talk To Us!

conference participant

This controls how a conference participant interacts with a conference.

Used by action connect to conference

language wrappers and examples

It contains the following properties:

talkeroptionaltruetrue or false. Whether this participant can talk to the conference.
start on entryoptionaltruetrue or false. Whether the conference should start when this participant enters.
destroy on exitoptionalfalsetrue or false. Whether the conference should be destroyed when this participant exits.
beep on entryoptionaltruetrue or false. Whether a beep should be played to the conference when this participant enters.
exit digitoptional-A string containing a single digit that results in the participant leaving the conference. null or an empty string signifies no exit digit. Valid digits are 0123456789ABCD#*.
mute digitoptional-A string containing a single digit that will mute the participant's audio input if pressed. If no unmute digit is specified, this will toggle mute on and off. null or an empty string signifies no mute digit. Valid digits are 0123456789ABCD#*.
unmute digitoptionalmute digitA string containing a single digit that will unmute the participant's audio input if pressed. null or an empty string results in the mute digit toggling mute on and off. Valid digits are 0123456789ABCD#*.
while stopped mediaoptional-A play action to play in an endless loop while the conference is stopped.
nameoptional-A play action to play the participant's name.
has joined messageoptional-A play action to play when the participant has joined.
has left messageoptional-A play action to play when the participant has left.

  • Examples:

    • Configure some features for a conference participant:

      		"talker" : true,
      		"beep_on_entry" : true,
      		"mute_digit" : "#",
      		"has_joined_message" :
      			"play" :
      				"play_list" :
      						"text_to_say" : "someone has joined the conference"
  • ConferenceParticipant Class
    Namespace: Aculab.Cloud.RestAPIWrapper
    Assembly: Aculab.Cloud.RestAPIWrapper.dll

    A class that represents a participant in a telephony conference. It provides parameters that control how the participant interacts with the conference.

    • public class ConferenceParticipant 
          // Members
          public bool? Talker;
          public bool? StartOnEntry;
          public bool? DestroyOnExit;
          public bool? BeepOnEntry;
          public char? ExitDigit;
          public char? MuteDigit;
          public char? UnmuteDigit;
          public Play WhileStoppedMedia;
          public Play Name;
          public Play HasJoinedMessage;
          public Play HasLeftMessage;


      • Configure some features for a conference participant:

        var participant = new ConferenceParticipant()
            Talker = true,
            BeepOnEntry = true,
            MuteDigit = '#',
            HasJoinedMessage = Play.SayText("someone has joined the conference")
    • public class ConferenceParticipant 
          // Members
          public bool? Talker;
          public bool? StartOnEntry;
          public bool? DestroyOnExit;
          public bool? BeepOnEntry;
          public char? ExitDigit;
          public char? MuteDigit;
          public char? UnmuteDigit;
          public Play WhileStoppedMedia;
          public Play Name;
          public Play HasJoinedMessage;
          public Play HasLeftMessage;


      • Configure some features for a conference participant:

        var participant = new ConferenceParticipant()
            Talker = true,
            BeepOnEntry = true,
            MuteDigit = '#',
            HasJoinedMessage = Play.SayText("someone has joined the conference")
    • public class ConferenceParticipant 
          // Members
          public bool? Talker;
          public bool? StartOnEntry;
          public bool? DestroyOnExit;
          public bool? BeepOnEntry;
          public char? ExitDigit;
          public char? MuteDigit;
          public char? UnmuteDigit;
          public Play WhileStoppedMedia;
          public Play Name;
          public Play HasJoinedMessage;
          public Play HasLeftMessage;


      • Configure some features for a conference participant:

        var participant = new ConferenceParticipant()
            Talker = true,
            BeepOnEntry = true,
            MuteDigit = '#',
            HasJoinedMessage = Play.SayText("someone has joined the conference")
  • ConferenceParticipant Class
    Namespace: Aculab.Cloud.RestAPIWrapper
    Assembly: Aculab.Cloud.RestAPIWrapper.dll

    A class that represents a participant in a telephony conference. It provides parameters that control how the participant interacts with the conference.

    • Public Class ConferenceParticipant
          ' Members
          Public Property Talker As Bool?
          Public Property StartOnEntry As Bool?
          Public Property DestroyOnExit As Bool?
          Public Property BeepOnEntry As Bool?
          Public Property ExitDigit As Char?
          Public Property MuteDigit As Char?
          Public Property UnmuteDigit As Char?
          Public Property WhileStoppedMedia As Play
          Public Property Name As Play
          Public Property HasJoinedMessage As Play
          Public Property HasLeftMessage As Play
      End Class


      • Configure some features for a conference participant:

        Dim participant = New ConferenceParticipant()
        participant.Talker = True
        participant.BeepOnEntry = True
        participant.MuteDigit = "#"
        participant.HasJoinedMessage = Play.SayText("someone has joined the conference")
    • Public Class ConferenceParticipant
          ' Members
          Public Property Talker As Bool?
          Public Property StartOnEntry As Bool?
          Public Property DestroyOnExit As Bool?
          Public Property BeepOnEntry As Bool?
          Public Property ExitDigit As Char?
          Public Property MuteDigit As Char?
          Public Property UnmuteDigit As Char?
          Public Property WhileStoppedMedia As Play
          Public Property Name As Play
          Public Property HasJoinedMessage As Play
          Public Property HasLeftMessage As Play
      End Class


      • Configure some features for a conference participant:

        Dim participant = New ConferenceParticipant()
        participant.Talker = True
        participant.BeepOnEntry = True
        participant.MuteDigit = "#"
        participant.HasJoinedMessage = Play.SayText("someone has joined the conference")
  • class ConferenceParticipant extends JSONElement

    Represents the conference participant support class.

    Class synopsis:

    // Constructors:
    public ConferenceParticipant()
    // Members:
    public void setTalker(boolean talker)
    public void setStartOnEntry(boolean start)
    public void setDestroyOnExit(boolean destroy)
    public void setBeepOnEntry(boolean beep)
    public void setExitDigit(char exitDigit)
    public void setMuteDigit(char muteDigit)
    public void setUnmuteDigit(char unmuteDigit)
    public void setWhileStoppedMedia(Play media)
    public void setName(Play name)
    public void setHasJoinedMessage(Play message)
    public void setHasLeftMessage(Play message)


    • Configure some features for a conference participant:

      ConferenceParticipant confParticipant = new ConferenceParticipant();
      confParticipant.setHasJoinedMessage(Play.sayText("someone has joined the conference"));
  • class ConferenceParticipant

    Represents the conference participant support class.

    Class synopsis:

    # ConferenceParticipant object:


    • Configure some features for a conference participant:

      conference_participant = ConferenceParticipant(talker=True, 
                                                     has_joined_message=Play(text_to_say='someone has joined the conference'))
  • The ConferenceParticipantConfiguration class


    Represents the conference participant configuration.

    Class synopsis

    class ConferenceParticipantConfiguration {
        /* methods */
        public __construct($opts = null)
        public self setTalker(boolean $talker)
        public self setStartOnEntry(boolean $start)
        public self setDestroyOnExit(boolean $stop)
        public self setBeepOnEntry(boolean $beep)
        public self setExitDigit(string $digit)
        public self setMuteDigit(string $digit)
        public self setUnmuteDigit(string $digit)
        public self setWhileStoppedMedia(Play $play)
        public self setHasJoinedMessage(Play $play)
        public self setHasLeftMessage(Play $play)
        public self setName(Play $play)


    • Configure some features for a conference participant:

      $participant_config = new \Aculab\TelephonyRestAPI\ConferenceParticipantConfiguration();
          ->setHasJoinedMessage(\Aculab\TelephonyRestAPI\Play::sayText('someone has joined the conference'));