Managing Inbound Telephone Numbers
This describes the web services that manage purchase and deletion of inbound telephone numbers.
Several regions available for purchase include non-ASCII characters in the name. In such a case, unicode must be provided. Each unicode character must be represented by its four digit \u code, for example, \u00f6 represents the ö character. The Mönchengladbach region in Germany, for example, would be purchased by specifying the "M\u00f6nchengladbach" name.
- Tel Purchase
- Tel Purchase Development
- Tel List Numbers
- Tel Delete Numbers
- Tel Get Supported Countries
- Tel Get Supported States
- Tel Get Supported Regions
- Tel List Regulation Addresses
Tel Purchase
This purchases an inbound telephone number in the region, state (optional) and country you choose - for example London, United Kingdom. Please note that this service results in an immediate and subsequent monthly cost.
This API uses basic authentication, using your cloud account username and API Access Key.
Username : cloudID/username (e.g. 1-2-0/ bob@ Password : API Access key Request:
Url : tel_purchase Methods : GET, POST
Parameter Value Description country string the country where the number is located. state string (required by some countries) the state where the number is located. Some countries require this to be specified. region string the region where the number is located. This is a region name for geographic numbers or a number prefix for toll free or national numbers. regulation_address string (required by some countries) the name of registered regulation address that exists on the cloud account being used. Some countries require this to be specified. Regulation addresses can be registered here. quantity integer (optional) the quantity of telephone numbers to purchase. Default is 1. based_on string (optional) the name of an existing inbound service. If set then a new service will be created for each new number purchased, based on the specified service. allow_partial string (optional) "True" or "False". Determines whether the request responds as having succeeded even if not all the requested telephone numbers are available. Defaults to "False". did_type string (optional) the type of each new number purchased. One of "geographic", "national", "mobile" or "tollfree". Default is "geographic". allow_landline string (optional) "True" or "False". For toll free numbers only. "True" to allow calls from landline numbers. Otherwise calls from landlines are blocked. Defaults to "False". allow_cellular string (optional) "True" or "False". For toll free numbers only. "True" to allow calls from cellular (mobile) phones. Otherwise calls from cell phones (mobiles) are blocked. Defaults to "False". allow_payphone string (optional) "True" or "False". For toll free numbers only. "True" to allow calls from payphones. Otherwise calls from payphones are blocked. Defaults to "False".
Note on toll free numbers: some countries and prefixes are not allowed to accept calls from certain types of phone - for example, cellular - and any user attempt to allow them will fail. At least one call type must be allowed for the purchase to go through. Toll free numbers incur an extra cost per minute. The amount is determined by the types of call that are allowed and the cost per minute for each call type.
A JSON array containing the numbers purchased. A confirmation email is also sent to the account holder. Please note that the purchase may take several seconds to complete.
tel_purchase? country=Canada& state=Alberta& region=Calgary Response:
[ "15873155555" ]
tel_purchase? country=Spain& region=Bilbao& quantity=2 Response:
[ "21887377377", "21846373876" ]
tel_purchase?country=Spain& region=901&quantity=3& did_type=tollfree&allow_landline=True& allow_payphone=True Response:
[ "90179198344", "90127397463", "90106358277" ]
Tel Purchase Development
This mimics tel_purchase and is provided for development use. It does not result in a purchase so no cost is incurred.
This API uses basic authentication, using your cloud account username and API Access Key.
Username : cloudID/username (e.g. 1-2-0/ bob@ Password : API Access key Request:
Url : tel_purchase_development Methods : GET, POST
This service accepts parameters and generates a response with the same specifications as the tel_purchase service.
When called with valid parameters it always responds with:
[ "1234567", "89012345" ]
Tel List Numbers
This lists purchased telephone numbers. It can be filtered by location.
This API uses basic authentication, using your cloud account username and API Access Key.
Username : cloudID/username (e.g. 1-2-0/ bob@ Password : API Access key Request:
Url : tel_list_numbers Methods : GET, POST
Parameter Value Description country string (optional) the country where the number is located. state string (optional for some countries) the state where the number is located. region string (optional) the region where the number is located. This is a region name for geographic numbers or a number prefix for toll free or national numbers. did_type string (optional) the type of numbers to include in the list. One of "geographic", "national", "mobile" or "tollfree". Default is to list all types. Returns:
A JSON object containing the existing telephone numbers with corresponding JSON objects containing their details.
Parameter Value Description country string the country in which the number is located. state string the state in which the number is located. Only present for countries that have states. region string the region in which the number is located. price string the price per month for the number in US dollars. purchased string the date on which the number was purchased in the format YYYY-MM-DD. did_type string the type of the number. One of "geographic", "national", "mobile" or "tollfree".
tel_list_numbers? country=United Kingdom Response:
{ "441908538007": { "country": "United Kingdom", "price": "3.00", "region": "Milton Keynes", "purchased": "2011-09-14", "did_type": "geographic" } }
Tel Delete Numbers
This deletes one or more of the purchased telephone numbers.
This API uses basic authentication, using your cloud account username and API Access Key.
Username : cloudID/username (e.g. 1-2-0/ bob@ Password : API Access key Request:
Url : tel_delete_numbers Methods : GET, POST
Parameter Value Description numbers string a comma-separated list of the telephone numbers to delete. Returns:
A JSON object containing the result of the deletion. If not all the numbers were deleted then the reasons for the deletion failure are included in the response.
Parameter Value Description status string a status string containing "OK" if all the specified numbers were deleted, "PARTIAL" if at least one, but not all the numbers were deleted and "FAIL" if none of the numbers were deleted. numbers JSON object contains the numbers not deleted and the reason. description string a description of the reason for the non deletion. code string a numeric error code from Error Codes.
tel_delete_numbers? numbers= 441908538007, 441908538008, 441908538009 Response:
{ "status": "OK" }
tel_delete_numbers? numbers= 441908538010, 441908538011, 441908538009 Response:
{ "status": "PARTIAL", "numbers": { "441908538009": { "description": "Telephone number 441908538009 does not belong to you", "code": "0300" } } }
Tel Get Supported Countries
This obtains a list of the countries for which telephone numbers can be purchased.
This API uses basic authentication, using your cloud account username and API Access Key.
Username : cloudID/username (e.g. 1-2-0/ bob@ Password : API Access key Request:
Url : tel_get_supported_countries Methods : GET, POST
Parameter Value Description did_type string (optional) the type of numbers supported by a country for that country to be listed. One of "geographic", "national", "mobile" or "tollfree". Default is "geographic". Returns:
A JSON array containing the names of the countries supported.
tel_get_supported_countries Response:
[ "Israel", "Georgia", "Mexico", "Lithuania", "United Kingdom", "Netherlands", "Croatia", "Greece", "Switzerland", "Dominican Republic", "Brazil", "Romania", "Czech Republic", "El Salvador", "Poland", "South Africa", "Luxembourg", "Sweden", "Germany", "Peru", "Puerto Rico", "Hungary", "Norway", "Spain", "Canada", "Italy", "Denmark", "Finland", "United States", "Slovenia", "Ireland", "Argentina", "Cyprus", "Australia", "France", "New Zealand", "Latvia", "Slovakia", "Chile", "Belgium", "Japan", "Bulgaria" ]
tel_get_supported_countries?did_type=national Response:
[ "Israel", "Georgia", "Portugal", "South Africa", "United Kingdom", "Netherlands", "Singapore", "Austria", "Luxembourg", "Sweden", "Germany", "Norway", "Spain", "Finland", "Malta", "Slovenia", "Ireland", "Bahrain", "Estonia", "Hong Kong", "Panama", "France", "Belgium" ]
Tel Get Supported States
This obtains a list of the states in a specified country for which telephone numbers can be purchased. Note that not all countries support states.
This API uses basic authentication, using your cloud account username and API Access Key.
Username : cloudID/username (e.g. 1-2-0/ bob@ Password : API Access key Request:
Url : tel_get_supported_states Methods : GET, POST
Parameter Value Description country string the country in which to list the supported states. Returns:
A JSON array containing the names of the states supported.
tel_get_supported_states? country=Canada Response:
[ "British Columbia", "Newfoundland And Labrador", "Saskatchewan", "Prince Edward Island", "Ontario", "Nova Scotia", "Quebec", "Alberta", "Manitoba", "New Brunswick" ]
Tel Get Supported Regions
This obtains a list of the regions in a specified country for which telephone numbers can be purchased.
This API uses basic authentication, using your cloud account username and API Access Key.
Username : cloudID/username (e.g. 1-2-0/ bob@ Password : API Access key Request:
Url : tel_get_supported_regions Methods : GET, POST
Parameter Value Description country string the country in which to list the supported regions. state string (optional for some countries) the state in which to list the supported regions. did_type string (optional) the type of numbers supported by a region for that region to be listed. One of "geographic", "national", "mobile" or "tollfree". Default is "geographic". Returns:
A JSON array containing the names or numbers of the regions supported. For "geographic" types, the region names are returned in the array. For "national" and "tollfree" types, the supported number prefixes are returned.
tel_get_supported_regions? country=Canada& state=Manitoba Response:
[ "Oakbank", "Winnipeg" ]
tel_get_supported_regions? country=Canada& did_type=tollfree Response:
[ "855", "888", "866", "877" ]
Tel List Regulation Addresses
This lists any regulation addresses that have been registered on a cloud account. Some countries require an address to be specified when purchasing a telephone number. Regulation addresses can be registered here.
This API uses basic authentication, using your cloud account username and API Access Key.
Username : cloudID/username (e.g. 1-2-0/ bob@ Password : API Access key Request:
Url : tel_list_regulation_addresses Methods : GET, POST Returns:
A JSON object containing the address names. For each address a JSON object contains the location of the address.
tel_list_regulation_addresses Response:
{ "My french place": { "country": "France", "region": "Avignon" } }