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answering machine ready to record

Provides advanced settings that control how an answering machine message is detected during a connect action when it is attempting to classify the callee.

Used by actions connect

language wrappers and examples

It contains the following properties:

milliseconds min beep durationoptional180An integer. The minimum duration of a beep.
milliseconds post beep silenceoptional1000An integer. Wait for this period of silence after the beep.
milliseconds no beep silenceoptional4000An integer. Wait for this period of silence when no beep is detected.
seconds max message durationoptional10An integer. The maximum duration of an answering machine prompt message. Give up waiting for the answering machine prompt to complete after this period.

  • Examples:

    • An answering machine ready to record object:

      		"milliseconds_min_beep_duration" : 300,
      		"milliseconds_post_beep_silence" : 2000,
      		"milliseconds_no_beep_silence" : 10000,
      		"seconds_max_message_duration" : 30
  • AnsweringMachineReadyToRecord Class
    Namespace: Aculab.Cloud.RestAPIWrapper
    Assembly: Aculab.Cloud.RestAPIWrapper.dll

    A class representing some advanced settings that control how an answering machine prompt message is detected in preparation for recording your message.

    • public class AnsweringMachineReadyToRecord 
          // Constructors
          public AnsweringMachineReadyToRecord();
          public AnsweringMachineReadyToRecord(int millisecondsMinBeepDuration, int millisecondsPostBeepSilence, int millisecondsNoBeepSilence, int secondsMaxMessageDuration);
          // Members
          public int? MillisecondsMinBeepDuration;
          public int? MillisecondsPostBeepSilence;
          public int? MillisecondsNoBeepSilence;
          public int? SecondsMaxMessageDuration;


      • Configure the answering machine ready to record settings for classifying a callee:

        var classifyCallee = new ClassifyCallee();
        var settings = new AnsweringMachineReadyToRecord(300, 2000, 10000, 30);
    • public class AnsweringMachineReadyToRecord 
          // Constructors
          public AnsweringMachineReadyToRecord();
          public AnsweringMachineReadyToRecord(int millisecondsMinBeepDuration, int millisecondsPostBeepSilence, int millisecondsNoBeepSilence, int secondsMaxMessageDuration);
          // Members
          public int? MillisecondsMinBeepDuration;
          public int? MillisecondsPostBeepSilence;
          public int? MillisecondsNoBeepSilence;
          public int? SecondsMaxMessageDuration;


      • Configure the answering machine ready to record settings for classifying a callee:

        var classifyCallee = new ClassifyCallee();
        var settings = new AnsweringMachineReadyToRecord(300, 2000, 10000, 30);
    • public class AnsweringMachineReadyToRecord 
          // Constructors
          public AnsweringMachineReadyToRecord();
          public AnsweringMachineReadyToRecord(int millisecondsMinBeepDuration, int millisecondsPostBeepSilence, int millisecondsNoBeepSilence, int secondsMaxMessageDuration);
          // Members
          public int? MillisecondsMinBeepDuration;
          public int? MillisecondsPostBeepSilence;
          public int? MillisecondsNoBeepSilence;
          public int? SecondsMaxMessageDuration;


      • Configure the answering machine ready to record settings for classifying a callee:

        var classifyCallee = new ClassifyCallee();
        var settings = new AnsweringMachineReadyToRecord(300, 2000, 10000, 30);
  • AnsweringMachineReadyToRecord Class
    Namespace: Aculab.Cloud.RestAPIWrapper
    Assembly: Aculab.Cloud.RestAPIWrapper.dll

    A class representing some advanced settings that control how an answering machine prompt message is detected in preparation for recording your message.

    • Public Class AnsweringMachineReadyToRecord
          ' Constructors
          Public Sub New ()
          Public Sub New (millisecondsMinBeepDuration As Integer, millisecondsPostBeepSilence As Integer, millisecondsNoBeepSilence As Integer, secondsMaxMessageDuration As Integer)
          ' Members
          Public Property MillisecondsMinBeepDuration As Integer?
          Public Property MillisecondsPostBeepSilence As Integer?
          Public Property MillisecondsNoBeepSilence As Integer?
          Public Property SecondsMaxMessageDuration As Integer?
      End Class


      • Configure the answering machine ready to record settings for classifying a callee:

        Dim classifyCallee = New ClassifyCallee()
        Dim settings = New AnsweringMachineReadyToRecord(300, 2000, 10000, 30)
    • Public Class AnsweringMachineReadyToRecord
          ' Constructors
          Public Sub New ()
          Public Sub New (millisecondsMinBeepDuration As Integer, millisecondsPostBeepSilence As Integer, millisecondsNoBeepSilence As Integer, secondsMaxMessageDuration As Integer)
          ' Members
          Public Property MillisecondsMinBeepDuration As Integer?
          Public Property MillisecondsPostBeepSilence As Integer?
          Public Property MillisecondsNoBeepSilence As Integer?
          Public Property SecondsMaxMessageDuration As Integer?
      End Class


      • Configure the answering machine ready to record settings for classifying a callee:

        Dim classifyCallee = New ClassifyCallee()
        Dim settings = New AnsweringMachineReadyToRecord(300, 2000, 10000, 30)
  • class AnsweringMachineReadyToRecord extends JSONElement

    Represents the Answering Machine Ready To Record support class.

    Class synopsis:

    // Constructors:
    public AnsweringMachineReadyToRecord()
    // Members:
    public void setMillisecondsMinBeepDuration(int millisecondsDuration)
    public void setMillisecondsPostBeepSilence(int millisecondsSilence)
    public void setMillisecondsNoBeepSilence(int millisecondsSilence)
    public void setSecondsMaxMessageDuration(int secondsDuration)


    • Configure the answering machine ready to record settings for classifying a callee:

      AnsweringMachineReadyToRecord answeringMachineOptions = new AnsweringMachineReadyToRecord();
  • class AnsweringMachineReadyToRecord

    Represents the Answering Machine Ready To Record support class.

    Class synopsis:

    # AnsweringMachineReadyToRecord object:


    • Configure the answering machine ready to record settings for classifying a callee:

      answering_machine_options = AnsweringMachineReadyToRecord(milliseconds_min_beep_duration=300, 
  • This functionality is provided by a function call on a ClassifyCalleeConfiguration object.


    • Configure the answering machine ready to record settings for classifying a callee:

      $classify_configuration = new Aculab\TelephonyRestAPI\ClassifyCalleeConfiguration();
      $classify_configuration->setAnsweringMachineReadyToRecordConfiguration(300, 2000, 10000, 30);