WebRTC Clients
This describes the web services that relate to Aculab Cloud WebRTC Clients.
WebRTC clients can use the WebRTC Interface to register to receive calls from Aculab Cloud applications or other clients, and to place calls to other WebRTC clients. Enabling incoming calls and placing calls to other clients requires time-limited tokens. The web services here provide the ability to generate these tokens and to list those clients that are currently registered for calls.
WebRTC Generate Token
This generates a token to allow a WebRTC client to register for incoming calls or place calls to other WebRTC clients.
Note that developer accounts can only generated a limited number of tokens per month. See Account Types for full details.Authorisation
This API uses basic authentication, using your cloud account username and API Access Key.
Username : cloudID/username (e.g. 1-2-0/ bob@ example.com) Password : API Access key Request:
Url : https://ws.aculabcloud.net/ webrtc_generate_token Methods : GET, POST
Parameter Required/Optional Default Description client_id required The client id of the WebRTC client that will use the token. This is the same as the clientId
used when creating the WebRTC client.ttl optional 3600 The time, in seconds, that the token is valid for. This must be between 600 and 86400. enable_incoming optional true "true" to make the token valid for enabling incoming calls to the client, else "false". call_client optional The client id of a WebRTC client that can be called. The last character can be a '*' wildcard in which case it matches any client whose id starts with the string. Just a '*' which matches all clients. Multiple identifiers can be specified by either a comma separated list or by repeating this parameter. If no value is given the token cannot be used for calling other clients. Returns:
A JSON object with the following parameter:
Parameter Type Description token string the generated token. Example:
client_id=myClientId& ttl=1200 Response:
{ "token": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6Ik45dHZUcGhxX2ZKRjdrcEFZZ1c4aWRQVU1GZnE5MHFNTGRjWlpjSk81ckEiLCJ0eXAiOiJKV1QifQ.eyJhdWQiOiIwLTAtMCIsImV4cCI6MTU4Mzg0MzYwNywiaWF0IjoxNTgzODQwMDA3LCJpc3MiOiJmZzhjZTl0c3pzeDNrazB4aXFsaHEyd3BzIiwibmJmIjoxNTgzODQwMDA3LCJzY29wZSI6WyJ3ZWJydGNjbGllbnQiXSwic3ViIjoibXlDbGllbnRJZCJ9.LdzXDXy0eeNYKCyAoGcYqMSS11aSeBiGQFCU-qlBGpDxM1KqMwG3mZBUZ68At27q4zEU-vwRuy1_3imcKfX2LXwkFRL5gO-fPxI2RBuOU9PWMHnwRgpQHGT8Fr8ETBiEqhP-KpBkXj3wUzTK3zeyq9_dWqXvsfB0VVObgs5QZUk" }
WebRTC Registered Clients
This returns a list of clients that are currently registered for calls.
This API uses basic authentication, using your cloud account username and API Access Key.
Username : cloudID/username (e.g. 1-2-0/ bob@ example.com) Password : API Access key Request:
Url : https://ws.aculabcloud.net/ webrtc_registered_clients Methods : GET, POST Returns:
A JSON array of objects describing registered clients. The objects have the following parameters:
Parameter Type Description client_id string the client id used to register the client. last_modified string the time, in the format YYYY-MM-DD_hh:mm:ss, when the registration was last modified. expires string the time, in the format YYYY-MM-DD_hh:mm:ss, when the registration will expire. Example:
webrtc_registered_users Response:
[ { "client_id": "myClientId", "last_modified": "2020-03-10_11:35:33", "expires": "2020-03-10_11:55:33" } ]