voicemail Sample
An inbound application that handles answered inbound calls and offers the choice of recording a message or playing existing messages. An identity number is used to prevent unauthorised access to recorded messages. The recorded messages can be repeated, deleted or saved for later.
Use actions: Run Menu, Play, Get Number, Redirect, Record, Delete File
{ "actions" : [ { "run_menu" : { "prompt" : { "play" : { "play_list" : [ { "text_to_say" : "Press 1 to leave a message. Press 2 to listen to all messages." } ] } }, "menu_options" : [ { "digit" : "1", "next_page" : { "url" : "RecordMessage" } }, { "digit" : "2", "next_page" : { "url" : "GetPasswordNumber" } } ] } }, { "play" : { "play_list" : [ { "text_to_say" : "Goodbye." } ] } } ], "token" : "0" }
{ "actions" : [ { "get_number": { "prompt" : { "play" : { "play_list" : [ { "text_to_say" : "Please enter your password number followed by the hash key." } ] } }, "end_digit" : '#', "next_page" : { "url" : "CheckPasswordNumber" } } }, { "play" : { "play_list" : [ { "text_to_say" : "Goodbye." } ] } } ], "token" : "0" }
{ "actions" : [ { "redirect" : { "next_page" : { "url" : "PlayMessage" } } } ], "token" : "0" }
{ "actions" : [ { "play" : { "play_list" : [ { "text_to_say" : "Sorry, that password is not correct. Goodbye." } ] } } ], "token" : "0" }
{ "actions" : [ { "play" : { "play_list" : [ { "file_to_play" : "<message file name>" } ] } }, { "run_menu" : { "prompt" : { "play" : { "play_list" : [ { "text_to_say" : "Press 1 to hear the message again. Press 2 to delete it, or press 3 to save it." } ] } }, "menu_options" : [ { "digit" : "1", "next_page" : { "url" : "MessageReplay" } }, { "digit" : "2", "next_page" : { "url" : "MessageDelete" } }, { "digit" : "3", "next_page" : { "url" : "MessageKeep" } } ] } } ], "token" : "0" }
{ "actions" : [ { "play" : { "play_list" : [ { "text_to_say" : "End of messages. Goodbye." } ] } } ], "token" : "" }
{ "actions" : [ { "play" : { "play_list" : [ { "text_to_say" : "Playing the message again." } ] } }, { "redirect" : { "next_page" : { "url" : "PlayMessage" } } } ], "token" : "0" }
{ "actions" : [ { "delete_file" : { "filename" : "/2014/08/12/12_30_01_04f01fb92e8913a8.65433.wav" } }, { "play" : { "play_list" : [ { "text_to_say" : "Message deleted." }, { "text_to_say" : "Next message." } ] } }, { "redirect" : { "next_page" : { "url" : "PlayMessage" } } } ], "token" : "1" }
{ "actions" : [ { "delete_file" : { "filename" : "/2013/08/12/12_30_01_04f01fb92e8913a8.65433.wav" } }, { "play" : { "play_list" : [ { "text_to_say" : "Message deleted." } ] } }, { "redirect" : { "next_page" : { "url" : "PlayMessage" } } } ], "token" : "" }
{ "actions" : [ { "play" : { "play_list" : [ { "text_to_say" : "Message saved." }, { "text_to_say" : "Next message." } ] } }, { "redirect" : { "next_page" : { "url" : "PlayMessage" } } } ], "token" : "1" }
{ "actions" : [ { "play" : { "play_list" : [ { "text_to_say" : "Message saved." } ] } }, { "redirect" : { "next_page" : { "url" : "PlayMessage" } } } ], "token" : "1" }
{ "actions" : [ { "play" : { "play_list" : [ { "text_to_say" : "Please leave a message after the beep. Press hash to end the recording." } ] } }, { "record" : { "beep_on_start" : true, "milliseconds_max_silence" : 5000, "barge_in_digits" : "#", "next_page" : { "url" : "RecordComplete" } } } ], "token" : "" }
{ "actions" : [ { "play" : { "play_list" : [ { "text_to_say" : "Thanks for leaving a message. Goodbye." } ] } } ], "token" : "" }
{ [ ], "token" : "Error for Action: xxxx ActionIndex: xxxx Result: xxxx" }
{ }
Implemented as ASP.Net Web Forms:
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using RestAPIWrapper; public partial class Voicemail : System.Web.UI.Page { protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Unpack the request TelephonyRequest ourRequest = new TelephonyRequest(Request); if (!ourRequest.IsValid) { return; } // Setup the actions List<TelephonyAction> actions = new List<TelephonyAction>(); // Create the menu action Play menuPrompt = Play.SayText("Press 1 to leave a message. " + "Press 2 to listen to all messages."); List<MenuOption> menuOptions = new List<MenuOption>(); menuOptions.Add(new MenuOption('1', new WebPageRequest("RecordMessage.aspx"))); menuOptions.Add(new MenuOption('2', new WebPageRequest("GetPasswordNumber.aspx"))); RunMenu runMenuAction = new RunMenu(menuPrompt, menuOptions); actions.Add(runMenuAction); // And add a final message actions.Add(Play.SayText("Goodbye.")); // Respond String token = "0"; // Set to first message index TelephonyResponse ourResponse = new TelephonyResponse(actions, token); ourResponse.ToHttpResponse(Response); } }
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using RestAPIWrapper; public partial class GetPasswordNumber : System.Web.UI.Page { protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Unpack the request TelephonyRequest ourRequest = new TelephonyRequest(Request); if (!ourRequest.IsValid) { return; } String token = ourRequest.InstanceInfo.Token; // Setup the actions List<TelephonyAction> actions = new List<TelephonyAction>(); Play prompt = Play.SayText("Please enter your password number followed by the hash key."); GetNumber getNumberAction = new GetNumber(prompt); getNumberAction.EndDigit = '#'; getNumberAction.NextPage = new WebPageRequest("CheckPasswordNumber.aspx"); actions.Add(getNumberAction); actions.Add(Play.SayText("Goodbye.")); // Respond TelephonyResponse ourResponse = new TelephonyResponse(actions, token); ourResponse.ToHttpResponse(Response); } }
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using RestAPIWrapper; public partial class CheckPasswordNumber : System.Web.UI.Page { private static String myPassword = "1234"; protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Unpack the request TelephonyRequest ourRequest = new TelephonyRequest(Request); if (!ourRequest.IsValid) { return; } String token = ourRequest.InstanceInfo.Token; GetNumberResult getNumberResult = (GetNumberResult)ourRequest.InstanceInfo.ActionResult; // Set up the actions, depending on the entered password List<TelephonyAction> actions = new List<TelephonyAction>(); if (getNumberResult.EnteredNumber.CompareTo(myPassword) == 0) { actions.Add(new Redirect(new WebPageRequest("PlayMessage.aspx"))); } else { actions.Add(Play.SayText("Sorry, that password is not correct. Goodbye.")); } // Respond TelephonyResponse ourResponse = new TelephonyResponse(actions, token); ourResponse.ToHttpResponse(Response); } }
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using RestAPIWrapper; public partial class PlayMessage : System.Web.UI.Page { protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Unpack the request TelephonyRequest ourRequest = new TelephonyRequest(Request); if (!ourRequest.IsValid) { return; } String token = ourRequest.InstanceInfo.Token; int messageIndex = -1; messageIndex = Convert.ToInt32(token); // Setup the actions List<TelephonyAction> actions = new List<TelephonyAction>(); MessageFilenameDatabase db = new MessageFilenameDatabase(); String filename = db.GetMessageFilename(messageIndex); if (filename != null) { actions.Add(Play.PlayFile(filename)); List<MenuOption> menuOptions = new List<MenuOption>(); menuOptions.Add(new MenuOption('1', new WebPageRequest("MessageReplay.aspx"))); menuOptions.Add(new MenuOption('2', new WebPageRequest("MessageDelete.aspx"))); menuOptions.Add(new MenuOption('3', new WebPageRequest("MessageKeep.aspx"))); actions.Add(new RunMenu(Play.SayText("Press 1 to hear the message again. " + "Press 2 to delete it " + "or press 3 to save it."), menuOptions)); actions.Add(Play.SayText("Goodbye.")); token = messageIndex.ToString(); } else { actions.Add(Play.SayText("End of messages. Goodbye.")); token = ""; } // Respond TelephonyResponse ourResponse = new TelephonyResponse(actions, token); ourResponse.ToHttpResponse(Response); } }
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using RestAPIWrapper; public partial class MessageReplay : System.Web.UI.Page { protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Unpack the request TelephonyRequest ourRequest = new TelephonyRequest(Request); if (!ourRequest.IsValid) { return; } String token = ourRequest.InstanceInfo.Token; // Setup the actions List<TelephonyAction> actions = new List<TelephonyAction>(); actions.Add(Play.SayText("Playing the message again.")); actions.Add(new Redirect(new WebPageRequest("PlayMessage.aspx"))); // Respond TelephonyResponse ourResponse = new TelephonyResponse(actions, token); ourResponse.ToHttpResponse(Response); } }
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using RestAPIWrapper; public partial class MessageDelete : System.Web.UI.Page { protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Unpack the request // The token should be the index of the message file to delete TelephonyRequest ourRequest = new TelephonyRequest(Request); if (!ourRequest.IsValid) { return; } String token = ourRequest.InstanceInfo.Token; int messageIndex = -1; messageIndex = Convert.ToInt32(token); MessageFilenameDatabase db = new MessageFilenameDatabase(); String filename = db.GetMessageFilename(messageIndex); // Setup the actions List<TelephonyAction> actions = new List<TelephonyAction>(); if (filename != null) { actions.Add(new DeleteFile(filename)); db.DeleteMessageFilename(messageIndex); Play msg = Play.SayText("Message deleted"); if (messageIndex < db.Size()) { msg.AddText("Next message."); actions.Add(msg); token = messageIndex.ToString(); } else { actions.Add(msg); token = ""; } actions.Add(new Redirect(new WebPageRequest("PlayMessage.aspx"))); } // Respond TelephonyResponse ourResponse = new TelephonyResponse(actions, token); ourResponse.ToHttpResponse(Response); } }
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using RestAPIWrapper; public partial class MessageKeep : System.Web.UI.Page { protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Unpack the request // The token should be the index of the message file to keep TelephonyRequest ourRequest = new TelephonyRequest(Request); if (!ourRequest.IsValid) { return; } String token = ourRequest.InstanceInfo.Token; int messageIndex = -1; messageIndex = Convert.ToInt32(token); MessageFilenameDatabase db = new MessageFilenameDatabase(); String filename = db.GetMessageFilename(messageIndex); // Setup the actions List<TelephonyAction> actions = new List<TelephonyAction>(); if (filename != null) { actions.Add(Play.SayText("Message saved.")); if (++messageIndex < db.Size()) { actions.Add(Play.SayText("Next message.")); actions.Add(new Redirect(new WebPageRequest("PlayMessage.aspx"))); token = messageIndex.ToString(); } else { actions.Add(Play.SayText("End of messages. Goodbye.")); token = ""; } } // Respond TelephonyResponse ourResponse = new TelephonyResponse(actions, token); ourResponse.ToHttpResponse(Response); } }
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using RestAPIWrapper; public partial class RecordMessage : System.Web.UI.Page { protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Unpack the request TelephonyRequest ourRequest = new TelephonyRequest(Request); if (!ourRequest.IsValid) { return; } String token = ourRequest.InstanceInfo.Token; // Setup the actions List<TelephonyAction> actions = new List<TelephonyAction>(); actions.Add(Play.SayText("Please leave a message after the beep. Press hash to end the recording.")); Record recordAction = new Record(new WebPageRequest("RecordComplete.aspx")); recordAction.BeepOnStart = true; recordAction.BargeInDigits = "#"; recordAction.MillisecondsMaxSilence = 5000; actions.Add(recordAction); // Respond TelephonyResponse ourResponse = new TelephonyResponse(actions, token); ourResponse.ToHttpResponse(Response); } }
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using RestAPIWrapper; public partial class RecordComplete : System.Web.UI.Page { protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Unpack the request TelephonyRequest ourRequest = new TelephonyRequest(Request); if (!ourRequest.IsValid) { return; } String token = ourRequest.InstanceInfo.Token; RecordResult result = (RecordResult)ourRequest.InstanceInfo.ActionResult; // Setup the actions List<TelephonyAction> actions = new List<TelephonyAction>(); if (result.ContainsSound) { // Store the filename in our message file String filename = result.Filename; MessageFilenameDatabase db = new MessageFilenameDatabase(); db.AppendMessageFilename(filename); actions.Add(Play.SayText("Thanks for leaving a message. Goodbye.")); } else { actions.Add(Play.SayText("There was no message recorded. Goodbye.")); } // Respond TelephonyResponse ourResponse = new TelephonyResponse(actions, token); ourResponse.ToHttpResponse(Response); } }
using System; using System.IO; using System.Collections.Generic; public class MessageFilenameDatabase { public MessageFilenameDatabase() { dbFilename = Path.GetTempPath() + "voicemailMessages.tmp"; } public int Size() { if (!File.Exists(dbFilename)) { return 0; } String[] messageFilenames = File.ReadAllLines(dbFilename); return messageFilenames.Length; } public String GetMessageFilename(int index) { if (!File.Exists(dbFilename)) { return null; } String[] messageFilenames = File.ReadAllLines(dbFilename); try { return messageFilenames[index]; } catch (IndexOutOfRangeException) { return null; } } public void AppendMessageFilename(String filename) { List<String> messageFilenames; if (File.Exists(dbFilename)) { messageFilenames = new List<String>(File.ReadAllLines(dbFilename)); } else { messageFilenames = new List<String>(); } messageFilenames.Add(filename); SaveMessageFilenames(messageFilenames); } public void DeleteMessageFilename(int index) { if (!File.Exists(dbFilename)) { return; } List<String> messageFiles = new List<String>(File.ReadAllLines(dbFilename)); try { messageFiles.RemoveAt(index); } catch (IndexOutOfRangeException) { return; } SaveMessageFilenames(messageFiles); } private void SaveMessageFilenames(List<String> messageFiles) { File.WriteAllLines(dbFilename, messageFiles.ToArray()); } private String dbFilename; }
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using RestAPIWrapper; public partial class ErrorPage : System.Web.UI.Page { protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Unpack the request TelephonyRequest ourRequest = new TelephonyRequest(Request); if (!ourRequest.IsValid) { return; } ErrorResult result = ourRequest.InstanceInfo.ErrorResult; String token = String.Format("Action: {0}\nActionIndex: {1}\nResult: {2}", result.Action, result.ActionIndex, result.Result); // Respond TelephonyResponse ourResponse = new TelephonyResponse(null, token); ourResponse.ToHttpResponse(Response); } }
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using RestAPIWrapper; public partial class FinalPage : System.Web.UI.Page { protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Unpack the request TelephonyRequest ourRequest = new TelephonyRequest(Request); if (!ourRequest.IsValid) { return; } } }
Implemented as ASP.Net Web Forms:
Imports System Imports System.Collections.Generic Imports RestAPIWrapper Partial Class Voicemail Inherits System.Web.UI.Page Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) ' Unpack the request Dim ourRequest As TelephonyRequest = New TelephonyRequest(Request) If Not ourRequest.IsValid Then Return End If ' Setup the actions Dim actions As List(Of TelephonyAction) = New List(Of TelephonyAction) ' Create the menu action Dim menuPrompt As Play = Play.SayText("Press 1 to leave a message. " + _ "Press 2 to listen to all messages.") Dim menuOptions As List(Of MenuOption) = New List(Of MenuOption) menuOptions.Add(New MenuOption("1", New WebPageRequest("RecordMessage.aspx"))) menuOptions.Add(New MenuOption("2", New WebPageRequest("GetPasswordNumber.aspx"))) Dim runMenuAction As RunMenu = New RunMenu(menuPrompt, menuOptions) actions.Add(runMenuAction) ' And add a final message actions.Add(Play.SayText("Goodbye.")) ' Set to first message index Dim token As String = "0" ' Respond Dim ourResponse As TelephonyResponse = New TelephonyResponse(actions, token) ourResponse.ToHttpResponse(Response) End Sub End Class
Imports System Imports System.Collections.Generic Imports RestAPIWrapper Partial Class GetPasswordNumber Inherits System.Web.UI.Page Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) ' Unpack the request Dim ourRequest As TelephonyRequest = New TelephonyRequest(Request) If Not ourRequest.IsValid Then Return End If Dim token As String = ourRequest.InstanceInfo.Token ' Setup the actions Dim actions As List(Of TelephonyAction) = New List(Of TelephonyAction) Dim prompt As Play = Play.SayText("Please enter your password number followed by the hash key.") Dim getNumberAction As GetNumber = New GetNumber(prompt) getNumberAction.EndDigit = "#" getNumberAction.NextPage = New WebPageRequest("CheckPasswordNumber.aspx") actions.Add(getNumberAction) actions.Add(Play.SayText("Goodbye.")) ' Respond Dim ourResponse As TelephonyResponse = New TelephonyResponse(actions, token) ourResponse.ToHttpResponse(Response) End Sub End Class
Imports System Imports System.Collections.Generic Imports RestAPIWrapper Partial Class CheckPasswordNumber Inherits System.Web.UI.Page Shared myPassword As String = "1234" Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) ' Unpack the request Dim ourRequest As TelephonyRequest = New TelephonyRequest(Request) If Not ourRequest.IsValid Then Return End If Dim token As String = ourRequest.InstanceInfo.Token Dim result As GetNumberResult = ourRequest.InstanceInfo.ActionResult ' Set up the actions, depending on the entered password Dim actions As List(Of TelephonyAction) = New List(Of TelephonyAction) If result.EnteredNumber.CompareTo(myPassword) = 0 Then actions.Add(New Redirect(New WebPageRequest("PlayMessage.aspx"))) Else actions.Add(Play.SayText("Sorry, that password is not correct. Goodbye.")) End If ' Respond Dim ourResponse As TelephonyResponse = New TelephonyResponse(actions, token) ourResponse.ToHttpResponse(Response) End Sub End Class
Imports System Imports System.Collections.Generic Imports RestAPIWrapper Partial Class PlayMessage Inherits System.Web.UI.Page Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) ' Unpack the request Dim ourRequest As TelephonyRequest = New TelephonyRequest(Request) If Not ourRequest.IsValid Then Return End If Dim token As String = ourRequest.InstanceInfo.Token Dim messageIndex As Integer = -1 messageIndex = Convert.ToInt32(token) Dim db As MessageFilenameDatabase = New MessageFilenameDatabase() Dim filename As String = db.GetMessageFilename(messageIndex) ' Setup the actions Dim actions As List(Of TelephonyAction) = New List(Of TelephonyAction) If filename IsNot Nothing Then actions.Add(Play.PlayFile(filename)) Dim menuOptions As List(Of MenuOption) = New List(Of MenuOption) menuOptions.Add(New MenuOption("1", New WebPageRequest("MessageReplay.aspx"))) menuOptions.Add(New MenuOption("2", New WebPageRequest("MessageDelete.aspx"))) menuOptions.Add(New MenuOption("3", New WebPageRequest("MessageKeep.aspx"))) actions.Add(New RunMenu(Play.SayText("Press 1 to hear the message again. " + _ "Press 2 to delete it " + _ "or press 3 to save it."), _ menuOptions)) actions.Add(Play.SayText("Goodbye.")) token = messageIndex.ToString() Else actions.Add(Play.SayText("End of messages. Goodbye.")) token = "" End If ' Respond Dim ourResponse As TelephonyResponse = New TelephonyResponse(actions, token) ourResponse.ToHttpResponse(Response) End Sub End Class
Imports System Imports System.Collections.Generic Imports RestAPIWrapper Partial Class MessageReplay Inherits System.Web.UI.Page Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) ' Unpack the request Dim ourRequest As TelephonyRequest = New TelephonyRequest(Request) If Not ourRequest.IsValid Then Return End If Dim token As String = ourRequest.InstanceInfo.Token ' Setup the actions Dim actions As List(Of TelephonyAction) = New List(Of TelephonyAction) actions.Add(Play.SayText("Playing the message again.")) actions.Add(New Redirect(New WebPageRequest("PlayMessage.aspx"))) ' Respond Dim ourResponse As TelephonyResponse = New TelephonyResponse(actions, token) ourResponse.ToHttpResponse(Response) End Sub End Class
Imports System Imports System.Collections.Generic Imports RestAPIWrapper Partial Class MessageDelete Inherits System.Web.UI.Page Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) ' Unpack the request ' The token should be the index of the message file to delete Dim ourRequest As TelephonyRequest = New TelephonyRequest(Request) If Not ourRequest.IsValid Then Return End If Dim token As String = ourRequest.InstanceInfo.Token Dim messageIndex As Integer = -1 messageIndex = Convert.ToInt32(token) Dim db As MessageFilenameDatabase = New MessageFilenameDatabase() Dim filename As String = db.GetMessageFilename(messageIndex) ' Setup the actions Dim actions As List(Of TelephonyAction) = New List(Of TelephonyAction) If filename IsNot Nothing Then actions.Add(New DeleteFile(filename)) db.DeleteMessageFilename(messageIndex) Dim msg As Play = Play.SayText("Message deleted") If messageIndex < db.Size() Then msg.AddText("Next message.") actions.Add(msg) token = messageIndex.ToString() Else actions.Add(msg) token = "" End If actions.Add(New Redirect(New WebPageRequest("PlayMessage.aspx"))) End If ' Respond Dim ourResponse As TelephonyResponse = New TelephonyResponse(actions, token) ourResponse.ToHttpResponse(Response) End Sub End Class
Imports System Imports System.Collections.Generic Imports RestAPIWrapper Partial Class MessageKeep Inherits System.Web.UI.Page Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) ' Unpack the request ' The token should be the index of the message file to keep Dim ourRequest As TelephonyRequest = New TelephonyRequest(Request) If Not ourRequest.IsValid Then Return End If Dim token As String = ourRequest.InstanceInfo.Token Dim messageIndex As Integer = -1 messageIndex = Convert.ToInt32(token) Dim db As MessageFilenameDatabase = New MessageFilenameDatabase() Dim filename As String = db.GetMessageFilename(messageIndex) ' Setup the actions Dim actions As List(Of TelephonyAction) = New List(Of TelephonyAction) If filename IsNot Nothing Then actions.Add(Play.SayText("Message saved.")) If ++messageIndex < db.Size() Then actions.Add(Play.SayText("Next message.")) actions.Add(New Redirect(New WebPageRequest("PlayMessage.aspx"))) token = messageIndex.ToString() Else actions.Add(Play.SayText("End of messages. Goodbye.")) token = "" End If End If ' Respond Dim ourResponse As TelephonyResponse = New TelephonyResponse(actions, token) ourResponse.ToHttpResponse(Response) End Sub End Class
Imports System Imports System.Collections.Generic Imports RestAPIWrapper Partial Class RecordMessage Inherits System.Web.UI.Page Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) ' Unpack the request Dim ourRequest As TelephonyRequest = New TelephonyRequest(Request) If Not ourRequest.IsValid Then Return End If Dim token As String = ourRequest.InstanceInfo.Token ' Setup the actions Dim actions As List(Of TelephonyAction) = New List(Of TelephonyAction) actions.Add(Play.SayText("Please leave a message after the beep. Press hash to end the recording.")) Dim recordAction As Record = New Record(New WebPageRequest("RecordComplete.aspx")) recordAction.BeepOnStart = True recordAction.BargeInDigits = "#" recordAction.MillisecondsMaxSilence = 5000 actions.Add(recordAction) ' Respond Dim ourResponse As TelephonyResponse = New TelephonyResponse(actions, token) ourResponse.ToHttpResponse(Response) End Sub End Class
Imports System Imports System.Collections.Generic Imports RestAPIWrapper Partial Class RecordComplete Inherits System.Web.UI.Page Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) ' Unpack the request Dim ourRequest As TelephonyRequest = New TelephonyRequest(Request) If Not ourRequest.IsValid Then Return End If Dim token As String = ourRequest.InstanceInfo.Token Dim result As RecordResult = ourRequest.InstanceInfo.ActionResult ' Setup the actions Dim actions As List(Of TelephonyAction) = New List(Of TelephonyAction) If result.ContainsSound Then ' Store the filename in our message file Dim filename As String = result.Filename Dim db As MessageFilenameDatabase = New MessageFilenameDatabase() db.AppendMessageFilename(filename) actions.Add(Play.SayText("Thanks for leaving a message. Goodbye.")) Else actions.Add(Play.SayText("There was no message recorded. Goodbye.")) End If ' Respond Dim ourResponse As TelephonyResponse = New TelephonyResponse(actions, token) ourResponse.ToHttpResponse(Response) End Sub End Class
Imports System Imports System.IO Imports System.Collections.Generic Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic Public Class MessageFilenameDatabase Public Sub New() dbFilename = Path.GetTempPath() + "voicemailMessages.tmp" End Sub Public Function Size() As Integer If Not File.Exists(dbFilename) Then Return 0 End If Dim messageFilenames As Array = File.ReadAllLines(dbFilename) Return messageFilenames.Length End Function Public Function GetMessageFilename(index As Integer) As String If Not File.Exists(dbFilename) Then Return Nothing End If Dim messageFilenames As Array = File.ReadAllLines(dbFilename) Try Return messageFilenames(index) Catch ex As IndexOutOfRangeException Return Nothing End Try End Function Public Sub AppendMessageFilename(filename As String) Dim messageFilenames As List(Of String) If File.Exists(dbFilename) Then messageFilenames = New List(Of String)(File.ReadAllLines(dbFilename)) Else messageFilenames = New List(Of String) End If messageFilenames.Add(filename) SaveMessageFilenames(messageFilenames) End Sub Public Sub DeleteMessageFilename(index As Integer) If Not File.Exists(dbFilename) Then Return End If Dim messageFiles As List(Of String) = New List(Of String)(File.ReadAllLines(dbFilename)) Try messageFiles.RemoveAt(index) Catch ex As IndexOutOfRangeException Return End Try SaveMessageFilenames(messageFiles) End Sub Private Sub SaveMessageFilenames(messageFiles As List(Of String)) File.WriteAllLines(dbFilename, messageFiles.ToArray()) End Sub Private dbFilename As String End Class
Imports System Imports System.Collections.Generic Imports RestAPIWrapper Partial Class ErrorPage Inherits System.Web.UI.Page Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) ' Unpack the request Dim ourRequest As TelephonyRequest = New TelephonyRequest(Request) If Not ourRequest.IsValid Then Return End If Dim result As ErrorResult = ourRequest.InstanceInfo.ErrorResult Dim token As String = String.Format("Action: {0}\nActionIndex: {1}\nResult: {2}", _ result.Action, result.ActionIndex, result.Result) ' Respond Dim ourResponse As TelephonyResponse = New TelephonyResponse(token) ourResponse.ToHttpResponse(Response) End Sub End Class
Imports System Imports System.Collections.Generic Imports RestAPIWrapper Partial Class FinalPage Inherits System.Web.UI.Page Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) ' Unpack the request Dim ourRequest As TelephonyRequest = New TelephonyRequest(Request) If Not ourRequest.IsValid Then Return End If End Sub End Class
Implemented as Java Servlets:
package com.aculab.telephonyrestapi.samples; import javax.servlet.http.*; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import java.io.IOException; import com.aculab.telephonyrestapi.*; public class Voicemail extends HttpServlet { @Override public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException { handleRequest(request, response); } @Override public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException { handleRequest(request, response); } private void handleRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException { // Unpack the request TelephonyRequest ourRequest = new TelephonyRequest(request); if (!ourRequest.isValid()) { return; } // Set up the actions List<TelephonyAction> actions = new ArrayList<TelephonyAction>(); // Create the menu action Play menuPrompt = Play.sayText("Press 1 to leave a message. " + "Press 2 to listen to all messages."); List<MenuOption> menuOptions = new ArrayList<MenuOption>(); menuOptions.add('1', new WebPageRequest("RecordMessage")); menuOptions.add('2', new WebPageRequest("GetPasswordNumber")); RunMenu runMenuAction = new RunMenu(menuPrompt, menuOptions); actions.add(runMenuAction); // And add a final message actions.add(Play.sayText("Goodbye.")); // Respond String token = "0"; // Set to first message index TelephonyResponse ourResponse = new TelephonyResponse(actions, token); ourResponse.setHttpServletResponse(response); } }
package com.aculab.telephonyrestapi.samples; import javax.servlet.http.*; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import java.io.IOException; import com.aculab.telephonyrestapi.*; public class GetPasswordNumber extends HttpServlet { @Override public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException { handleRequest(request, response); } @Override public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException { handleRequest(request, response); } private void handleRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException { // Unpack the request TelephonyRequest ourRequest = new TelephonyRequest(request); if (!ourRequest.isValid()) { return; } String token = ourRequest.getInstanceInfo().getToken(); // Set up the actions List<TelephonyAction> actions = new ArrayList<TelephonyAction>(); Play prompt = Play.sayText("Please enter your password number followed by the hash key."); GetNumber getNumberAction = new GetNumber(prompt); getNumberAction.setEndDigit('#'); getNumberAction.setNextPage(new WebPageRequest("CheckPasswordNumber")); actions.add(getNumberAction); // Respond TelephonyResponse ourResponse = new TelephonyResponse(actions, token); ourResponse.setHttpServletResponse(response); } }
package com.aculab.telephonyrestapi.samples; import javax.servlet.http.*; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import java.io.IOException; import com.aculab.telephonyrestapi.*; public class CheckPasswordNumber extends HttpServlet { private static String myPassword = "1234"; @Override public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException { handleRequest(request, response); } @Override public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException { handleRequest(request, response); } private void handleRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException { // Unpack the request TelephonyRequest ourRequest = new TelephonyRequest(request); if (!ourRequest.isValid()) { return; } String token = ourRequest.getInstanceInfo().getToken(); GetNumberResult getNumberResult = (GetNumberResult)ourRequest.getInstanceInfo().getActionResult(); // Set up the actions, depending on the entered password List<TelephonyAction> actions = new ArrayList<TelephonyAction>(); if (getNumberResult.getEnteredNumber().compareTo(myPassword) == 0) { actions.add(new Redirect(new WebPageRequest("PlayMessage"))); } else { actions.add(Play.sayText("Sorry, that password is not correct. Goodbye.")); } // Respond TelephonyResponse ourResponse = new TelephonyResponse(actions, token); ourResponse.setHttpServletResponse(response); } }
package com.aculab.telephonyrestapi.samples; import javax.servlet.http.*; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import java.io.IOException; import com.aculab.telephonyrestapi.*; public class PlayMessage extends HttpServlet { @Override public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException { handleRequest(request, response); } @Override public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException { handleRequest(request, response); } private void handleRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException { // Unpack the request // The token should be the index of the next message file to play TelephonyRequest ourRequest = new TelephonyRequest(request); if (!ourRequest.isValid()) { return; } String token = ourRequest.getInstanceInfo().getToken(); int messageIndex = -1; messageIndex = Integer.parseInt(token); // Set up the actions List<TelephonyAction> actions = new ArrayList<TelephonyAction>(); MessageFilenameDatabase db = new MessageFilenameDatabase(); String filename = db.getMessageFilename(messageIndex); if (filename != null) { actions.add(Play.playFile(filename)); List<MenuOption> menuOptions = new ArrayList<MenuOption>(); menuOptions.add('1', new WebPageRequest("MessageReplay")); menuOptions.add('2', new WebPageRequest("MessageDelete")); menuOptions.add('3', new WebPageRequest("MessageKeep")); actions.add(new RunMenu(Play.sayText("Press 1 to hear the message again. " + "Press 2 to delete it " + "or press 3 to save it."), menuOptions)); actions.add(Play.sayText("Goodbye.")); token = Integer.toString(messageIndex); } else { actions.add(Play.sayText("End of messages. Goodbye.")); token = ""; } // Respond TelephonyResponse ourResponse = new TelephonyResponse(actions, token); ourResponse.setHttpServletResponse(response); } }
package com.aculab.telephonyrestapi.samples; import javax.servlet.http.*; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import java.io.IOException; import com.aculab.telephonyrestapi.*; public class MessageReplay extends HttpServlet { @Override public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException { handleRequest(request, response); } @Override public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException { handleRequest(request, response); } private void handleRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException { // Unpack the request TelephonyRequest ourRequest = new TelephonyRequest(request); if (!ourRequest.isValid()) { return; } String token = ourRequest.getInstanceInfo().getToken(); // Set up the actions List<TelephonyAction> actions = new ArrayList<TelephonyAction>(); actions.add(Play.sayText("Playing the message again.")); actions.add(new Redirect(new WebPageRequest("PlayMessage"))); // Respond TelephonyResponse ourResponse = new TelephonyResponse(actions, token); ourResponse.setHttpServletResponse(response); } }
package com.aculab.telephonyrestapi.samples; import javax.servlet.http.*; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import java.io.BufferedWriter; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileWriter; import java.io.IOException; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.List; import com.aculab.telephonyrestapi.*; public class MessageDelete extends HttpServlet { @Override public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException { handleRequest(request, response); } @Override public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException { handleRequest(request, response); } private void handleRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException { // Unpack the request // The token should be the index of the message file to delete TelephonyRequest ourRequest = new TelephonyRequest(request); if (!ourRequest.isValid()) { return; } String token = ourRequest.getInstanceInfo().getToken(); int messageIndex = -1; messageIndex = Integer.parseInt(token); MessageFilenameDatabase db = new MessageFilenameDatabase(); String filename = db.getMessageFilename(messageIndex); // Set up the actions List<TelephonyAction> actions = new ArrayList<TelephonyAction>(); if (filename != null) { actions.add(new DeleteFile(filename)); db.deleteMessageFilename(messageIndex); actions.add(Play.sayText("Message deleted")); if (messageIndex < db.size()) { actions.add(Play.sayText("Next message.")); actions.add(new Redirect(new WebPageRequest("PlayMessage"))); token = Integer.toString(messageIndex); } else { actions.add(Play.sayText("End of messages. Goodbye.")); token = ""; } } // Respond TelephonyResponse ourResponse = new TelephonyResponse(actions, token); ourResponse.setHttpServletResponse(response); } }
package com.aculab.telephonyrestapi.samples; import javax.servlet.http.*; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import java.io.BufferedWriter; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileWriter; import java.io.IOException; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.util.List; import com.aculab.telephonyrestapi.*; public class MessageKeep extends HttpServlet { @Override public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException { handleRequest(request, response); } @Override public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException { handleRequest(request, response); } private void handleRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException { // Unpack the request // The token should be the index of the message file to delete TelephonyRequest ourRequest = new TelephonyRequest(request); if (!ourRequest.isValid()) { return; } String token = ourRequest.getInstanceInfo().getToken(); int messageIndex = -1; messageIndex = Integer.parseInt(token); MessageFilenameDatabase db = new MessageFilenameDatabase(); String filename = db.getMessageFilename(messageIndex); // Set up the actions List<TelephonyAction> actions = new ArrayList<TelephonyAction>(); if (filename != null) { actions.add(Play.sayText("Message saved.")); if (++messageIndex < db.size()) { actions.add(Play.sayText("Next message.")); actions.add(new Redirect(new WebPageRequest("PlayMessage"))); token = Integer.toString(messageIndex); } else { actions.add(Play.sayText("End of messages. Goodbye.")); token = ""; } } // Respond TelephonyResponse ourResponse = new TelephonyResponse(actions, token); ourResponse.setHttpServletResponse(response); } }
package com.aculab.telephonyrestapi.samples; import javax.servlet.http.*; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import java.io.IOException; import com.aculab.telephonyrestapi.*; public class RecordMessage extends HttpServlet { @Override public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException { handleRequest(request, response); } @Override public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException { handleRequest(request, response); } private void handleRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException { // Unpack the request TelephonyRequest ourRequest = new TelephonyRequest(request); if (!ourRequest.isValid()) { return; } String token = ourRequest.getInstanceInfo().getToken(); // Setup the actions List<TelephonyAction> actions = new ArrayList<TelephonyAction>(); actions.add(Play.sayText("Please leave a message after the beep. Press hash to end the recording.")); Record recordAction = new Record(new WebPageRequest("RecordComplete")); recordAction.setBeepOnStart(true); recordAction.setBargeInDigits("#"); recordAction.setMillisecondsMaxSilence(5000); actions.add(recordAction); // Respond TelephonyResponse ourResponse = new TelephonyResponse(actions, token); ourResponse.setHttpServletResponse(response); } }
package com.aculab.telephonyrestapi.samples; import javax.servlet.http.*; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import java.io.IOException; import com.aculab.telephonyrestapi.*; public class RecordComplete extends HttpServlet { @Override public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException { handleRequest(request, response); } @Override public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException { handleRequest(request, response); } private void handleRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException { // Unpack the request TelephonyRequest ourRequest = new TelephonyRequest(request); if (!ourRequest.isValid()) { return; } String token = ourRequest.getInstanceInfo().getToken(); RecordResult result = (RecordResult)ourRequest.getInstanceInfo().getActionResult(); // Set up the actions List<TelephonyAction> actions = new ArrayList<TelephonyAction>(); if (result.containsSound()) { // Store the filename in our message file String filename = result.getFilename(); MessageFilenameDatabase db = new MessageFilenameDatabase(); db.appendMessageFilename(filename); actions.add(Play.sayText("Thanks for leaving a message. Goodbye.")); } else { actions.add(Play.sayText("There was no message recorded. Goodbye.")); } // Respond TelephonyResponse ourResponse = new TelephonyResponse(actions, token); ourResponse.setHttpServletResponse(response); } }
package com.aculab.telephonyrestapi.samples; import java.io.BufferedWriter; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileWriter; import java.io.IOException; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class MessageFilenameDatabase { public MessageFilenameDatabase() throws IOException { File temp = File.createTempFile("temp-file", ".tmp"); String absolutePath = temp.getAbsolutePath(); String tempFilePath = absolutePath.substring(0, absolutePath.lastIndexOf(File.separator) + 1); messageFile = new File(tempFilePath + "voicemailMessages.tmp"); } public int size() throws IOException { List<String> messageFiles; if (!messageFile.exists()) { return 0; } messageFiles = Files.readAllLines(messageFile.toPath(), Charset.defaultCharset()); return messageFiles.size(); } public String getMessageFilename(int index) throws IOException { try { List<String> messageFiles = getMessageFiles(); return messageFiles.get(index); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { return null; } } public void appendMessageFilename(String filename) throws IOException { List<String> messageFiles = getMessageFiles(); messageFiles.add(filename); saveMessageFiles(messageFiles); } public void deleteMessageFilename(int index) throws IOException { List<String> messageFiles = getMessageFiles(); messageFiles.remove(index); saveMessageFiles(messageFiles); } private List<String> getMessageFiles() throws IOException { List<String> messageFiles; if (messageFile.exists()) { messageFiles = Files.readAllLines(messageFile.toPath(), Charset.defaultCharset()); } else { messageFiles = new ArrayList<String>(); } return messageFiles; } private void saveMessageFiles(List<String> messageFiles) throws IOException { BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(messageFile, false)); for (String filename : messageFiles) { writer.write(filename); writer.newLine(); } writer.close(); } private File messageFile; }
package com.aculab.telephonyrestapi.samples; import javax.servlet.http.*; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import com.aculab.telephonyrestapi.*; public class ErrorPage extends HttpServlet { private static final long serialVersionUID = -4842873371047361437L; @Override public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException { handleRequest(request, response); } @Override public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException { handleRequest(request, response); } private void handleRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException { // Unpack the request TelephonyRequest ourRequest = new TelephonyRequest(request); if (!ourRequest.isValid()) { return; } ErrorResult result = ourRequest.getInstanceInfo().getErrorResult(); String token = String.format("Action: %s\nActionIndex: %d\nResult: %s", result.getAction(), result.getActionIndex(), result.getResult()); // Respond List<TelephonyAction> actions = new ArrayList<TelephonyAction>(); TelephonyResponse ourResponse = new TelephonyResponse(actions, token); ourResponse.setHttpServletResponse(response); } }
package com.aculab.telephonyrestapi.samples; import javax.servlet.http.*; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import java.io.IOException; import com.aculab.telephonyrestapi.*; public class FinalPage extends HttpServlet { private static final long serialVersionUID = 5940620014313056844L; @Override public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException { handleRequest(request, response); } @Override public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException { handleRequest(request, response); } private void handleRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException { // Unpack the request TelephonyRequest ourRequest = new TelephonyRequest(request); if (!ourRequest.isValid()) { return; } } }
Implemented using a wrapper for Python's wsgiref.simple_server.
For the purposes of this sample, the first page is first_page, the final page is final_page and the error page is error_page.
The application base class.
from aculab.telephony_rest_api import Play class ApplicationBase: def __init__(self, exit=None): self.exit = exit or [self.exit] def exit(self): pass def error_page(self, my_actions, query_info): try: error_result = query_info.ErrorResult action = error_result.get('action', 'none') print("\nError {0} : {1}\n".format(action, error_result['result'])) my_actions.add(Play(text_to_say='I encountered an error.')) except Exception as exc: print("Error page exception: {0}".format(exc)) return True def final_page(self, my_actions, query_info): try: tcall = query_info.ThisCall if tcall: print("This call ID : {0}".format(tcall.get('call_id'))) print("This call duration : {0}".format(tcall.get('seconds_call_duration'))) self.exit[0]() except Exception as exc: print("Final page exception: {0}".format(exc)) return True def unknown_page(self, my_actions, query_info): try: my_actions.add(Play(text_to_say='I find myself on an unknown page.')) except Exception as exc: print("Unknown page exception: {0}".format(exc)) return True
The application code.
import os, sys import json from getpass import getpass # append paths to the various wrappers sys.path.append(os.path.abspath('../..')) # import the wrappers for the web services API # these are used to access media files stored on the cloud from aculab.web_services import ws_connect from aculab.web_services import ws_command # import the wrappers for the REST API, these are used to create and send actions from aculab.telephony_rest_api import * from aculab.simple_server import * from aculab.base_application import ApplicationBase if sys.version > '3': def raw_input(text): return input(text) # The web services API for media file access is used to implement a simple database. The database class is shown below:: class MyVoiceMailDatabase(): def __init__(self, database_name, username, password, target): self._my_database_entries = [] # Runtime list of voicemail entries self._target = target # Aculab Cloud ID or Rapide IP address self._username = username # Aculab Cloud username self._password = password # Aculab Cloud password self._database_name = database_name # Name of the voicemail box - local file of voicemail entries # Read the local copy of the voicemail box into the runtime list self._read_database() # Synchronise the database entries with what's currently on Aculab Cloud # (some files may have been deleted) connection, headers = ws_connect(self._username, self._password, self._target) response = ws_command(connection, headers, 'GET', "/media_list?filename=*") if response is None: print("Failed to list files on server.") else: if sys.version > '3': data = response.read().decode('utf-8') else: data = response.read() file_list = json.loads(data) files_on_server = list(file_list.keys()) for file_name in self._my_database_entries[:]: if file_name not in files_on_server: self._my_database_entries.remove(file_name) self._rewrite_database() connection.close() def _read_database(self): # If a database file exists, read the entries into the runtime list if os.path.isfile(self._database_name): with open(self._database_name, 'r') as db: self._my_database_entries = [line.strip() for line in db] def _rewrite_database(self): # Rewrite the local database file, using the runtime list with open(self._database_name, 'w') as db: for file_name in self._my_database_entries: db.write(file_name + '\n') def add_entry(self, file_name): # Add an entry to the runtime list and the local database file self._my_database_entries.append(file_name) with open(self._database_name, 'a') as db: db.write(file_name + '\n') def remove_entry(self, file_name): # Remove an entry from the runtime list, the local database file # and from Aculab Cloud storage self._my_database_entries.remove(file_name) connection, headers = ws_connect(self._username, self._password, self._target) response = ws_command(connection, headers, 'DELETE', "/media_delete?filename={0}".format(file_name)) if response is None: print("Failed to delete {0}.".format(file_name)) self._rewrite_database() connection.close() def get_all_entries(self): # Return a copy of the runtime voicemail list return self._my_database_entries[:] # Now on to the application itself. The primary application class inherits from a base class. # The primary application class is passed to our wrapper for Python's simple HTTP server which # expects a ``responder`` function. We implement ``responder()`` in our class. It is in the # ``responder`` function that we implement the actions:: class Application(ApplicationBase): # The constructor expects the name of the voicemail box, our username, # password and the ID / IP address of the cloud or Rapide we want to connect to. # These are not required by the REST API but are required to implement the database. def __init__(self, voicemail_box, username, password, target): ApplicationBase.__init__(self) # Instantiate the voicemail database self._voicemail_database = MyVoiceMailDatabase(voicemail_box, username, password, target) self._voicemails_to_read = [] # This function is called by Python's simple HTTP server. # It is in this function that we create our actions. def responder(self, query, start_response): query_info = RESTQuery(query) page = query_info.Page print("Page: {0}".format(page)) # The instance information might contain an action_result # object. Some actions require a return value, this will be # contained in the action_result object. action_result = query_info.ActionResult ivr_digit = 0 id_digits = '' # This application implements a couple of simple IVRs. # If the IVR is successful an action_result object is # returned. if action_result: # In this application, the action_result object will # contain either a single digit, or a digit string. if action_result['action'] == 'run_menu': ivr_digit = int(action_result['result']['selected_digit']) elif action_result['action'] == 'get_number': id_digits = action_result['result']['entered_number'] # Here we begin to create our action list in response to the query my_actions = Actions(token='Voicemail demo application') # Every application must have a first page, this is where the # application begins. The first page name is one of the settings # of the inbound service that invokes this application. Here we # name it first_page. This page is called in response to an # incoming telephone call. if 'first_page' == page: # The first page of the voicemail application is going to # ask the caller whether they want to leave a message or # listen to messages. We will use the RunMenu() wrapper # to configure this IVR action my_menu = RunMenu() # The IVR prompt is a Play Action which should provide the caller # with all the information they need to provide an appropriate response. my_menu.on_prompt_play(Play(text_to_say= ('Press 1 to leave a message.' 'Press 2 to listen to all messages.'))) # There are two options to thie menu, digit 1 and digit 2. Each digit can # be linked to its own next page. Here both digits will go to the caller_choice page. # Setting a page for each digit is demonstrated further down in this application. my_menu.set_menu_options('12', WebPage(url='caller_choice')) # Now we append the IVR action to the action list. my_actions.add(my_menu) # The final action for this page is a redirection to the final page. This # is here in case the IVR dialogue fails. If, for instance, the caller # does not press a valid key, the application will drop through to this # action and the final page will be called. my_actions.add(Redirect(next_page=WebPage(url='/final_page'))) # This page is called as the result of a successful response to the IVR in the # first page. The caller will have responded with 1 or 2. elif 'caller_choice' == page: if ivr_digit == 1: # Option 1 is to leave a message. We create two actions, the first is to use TTS to # ask the caller to begin the message after a beep, and to press # to end the recording. my_actions.add(Play(text_to_say='Please leave a message after the beep. Press hash to end the recording.')) # The next action it to start recording. When the recording has completed, the application # will be directed to the my_recorded_file_page. my_actions.add(Record(barge_in_digits="#", # pressing # will stop the recording milliseconds_max_silence=5000, # five seconds of silence will stop the recording next_page=WebPage(url='recorded_file_page'), # when recording completes, go to this page beep_on_start=True)) # before recording begins, play a beep elif ivr_digit == 2: # Option 2 is to listen to all the recorded messages. # First we need to check that the caller is authorised to do this. # We configure an IVR to ask for a PIN, we use GetNumber to do this. my_number = GetNumber() my_number.set_end_digit('#') # As with RunMenu, we provide an initial prompt. my_number.on_prompt_play(Play(text_to_say='Please enter your identification number followed by the hash key.')) # If the caller successfully enters a number, the next_page (check_id_digits) will be called. my_number.set_next_page(next_page=WebPage(url='check_id_digits')) # Now we add the action to the actions list. my_actions.add(my_number) # This page is called after a successful IVR to gather the caller's PIN. elif 'check_id_digits' == page: # For our purposes the PIN is hard-coded to 1234 if id_digits == '1234': # The PIN is correct so gather the list of recorded messages self._voicemails_to_read = self._voicemail_database.get_all_entries() try: self._currently_reading = self._voicemails_to_read.pop(0) except: self._currently_reading = None # We have created a list of the recorded messages and have set # a variable to the first one, now use a redirect action to move # the application to the my_play_recording_page page. my_actions.add(Redirect(next_page=WebPage(url='play_recording_page/'))) else: # The PIN is not correct, say sorry and hang up. The application will # automatically hang up after this action since there is no redirection # to a next page. my_actions.add(Play(text_to_say='Sorry, that ID is not correct. Goodbye.')) # This is the page for playing recorded messages. The application will come # here if the caller has successfully authorised himself to listen to the # messages in his voicemail box. elif 'play_recording_page' == page: if self._currently_reading is not None: # We have a message to play, set the action to play the # message and then redirect to the keep or delete page # on which the caller can choose to save or delete the message. my_actions.add(Play(file_to_play=self._currently_reading)) my_actions.add(Redirect(next_page=WebPage(url='replay_keep_or_delete/'))) else: # There are no more messages to play, so say goodbye and hang up. my_actions.add(Play(text_to_say='End of messages. Goodbye.')) # This page asks the caller whether he wants to keep or delete the # recorded message that has just been played. elif 'play_recording_page/replay_keep_or_delete' == page: # We use a simple IVR menu which gives the caller three choices: # Hear the message again, delete the message, keep (save) the message. # If the IVR is successful, the application redirects to the process message # page on which the choice is processed. my_menu = RunMenu() my_menu.on_prompt_play(Play(text_to_say= ('Press 1 to hear the message again.' 'Press 2 to delete it, ' 'or press 3 to save it.'))) # Here we set a next_page for each of the three options my_menu.append_menu_option('1', WebPage(url='play_again')) my_menu.append_menu_option('2', WebPage(url='delete')) my_menu.append_menu_option('3', WebPage(url='save')) # And now add the action to the list my_actions.add(my_menu) # As before, if the IVR fails to get a valid response, the application # will drop through to a redirect action that goes to the final page. my_actions.add(Redirect(next_page=WebPage(url='/final_page'))) # This page is called to process the caller's decision to play the message again. elif 'play_recording_page/replay_keep_or_delete/play_again' == page: my_actions.add(Play(text_to_say='Playing the message again.')) # redirect back to the base page for listening to recorded messages my_actions.add(Redirect(next_page=WebPage(url='/play_recording_page/'))) # This page is called to process the caller's decision to delete the message. elif 'play_recording_page/replay_keep_or_delete/delete' == page: self._voicemail_database.remove_entry(self._currently_reading) my_actions.add(Play(text_to_say='Message deleted.')) # Move to the next message in the list. try: self._currently_reading = self._voicemails_to_read.pop(0) my_actions.add(Play(text_to_say='Next message.')) except: self._currently_reading = None # redirect back to the base page for listening to recorded messages my_actions.add(Redirect(next_page=WebPage(url='/play_recording_page/'))) # This page is called to process the caller's decision to save the message. elif 'play_recording_page/replay_keep_or_delete/save' == page: my_actions.add(Play(text_to_say='Message saved.')) # Move to the next message in the list. try: self._currently_reading = self._voicemails_to_read.pop(0) my_actions.add(Play(text_to_say='Next message.')) except: self._currently_reading = None # redirect back to the base page for listening to recorded messages my_actions.add(Redirect(next_page=WebPage(url='/play_recording_page/'))) # We come to this page after recording a new message. Say thank you # and then hang up. elif 'recorded_file_page' == page: print("Recorded file is {0}".format(action_result['result']['filename'])) self._voicemail_database.add_entry(action_result['result']['filename']) my_actions.add(Play(text_to_say='Thanks for leaving the recording. Goodbye.')) # The error handling page and the final page are supplied by the # application base class. elif 'final_page' == page: self.final_page(my_actions, query_info) elif 'error_page' == page: self.error_page(my_actions, query_info) else: self.unknown_page(my_actions, query_info) response_body = my_actions.get_json() response_headers = [('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8'), ('Content-Length', str(len(response_body)))] start_response('200 OK', response_headers) return [response_body] if __name__ == "__main__": username = raw_input('Your cloud or Rapide username:') password = getpass('Your cloud or Rapide password:') target = raw_input('The cloud region, e.g. 1-2-0, or Rapide IP address:') application = Application('test_vm_box.txt', username, password, target) # Set the host and port you want to use in the rest_simple_server.py file. # To use SSL also set the key and certificate file. simple_server = SimpleServer(application, simple_server_host, simple_server_port, simple_server_keyfile, simple_server_certfile) simple_server.start() print("Hit ctl-break to quit.")
declare(encoding='UTF-8'); spl_autoload_register(); header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); // HTTP/1.1 header("Expires: Sat, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); // Date in the past header("Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8"); use \Aculab\TelephonyRestAPI\Actions; use \Aculab\TelephonyRestAPI\Play; use \Aculab\TelephonyRestAPI\RunMenu; $resp = new Actions(); $resp->setToken('0'); // Create the menu action $menuPrompt = Play::sayText("Press 1 to leave a message. Press 2 to listen to all messages."); $menu = new RunMenu($menuPrompt); $menu->addMenuOption('1', 'RecordMessage.php'); $menu->addMenuOption('2', 'GetPasswordNumber.php'); $resp->add($menu); $resp->add(Play::sayText('Goodbye.')); print $resp;
declare(encoding='UTF-8'); spl_autoload_register(); header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); // HTTP/1.1 header("Expires: Sat, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); // Date in the past header("Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8"); use \Aculab\TelephonyRestAPI\Actions; use \Aculab\TelephonyRestAPI\Play; use \Aculab\TelephonyRestAPI\GetNumber; $response = new Actions(); $response->setToken('0'); // Create the get number action $prompt = Play::sayText("Please enter your password number followed by the hash key."); $getNumberAction = new GetNumber($prompt); $getNumberAction->setEndDigit('#'); $getNumberAction->setNextPage("CheckPasswordNumber.php"); $response->add($getNumberAction); $response->add(Play::sayText('Goodbye.')); print $response;
declare(encoding='UTF-8'); spl_autoload_register(); header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); // HTTP/1.1 header("Expires: Sat, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); // Date in the past header("Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8"); use \Aculab\TelephonyRestAPI\InstanceInfo; use \Aculab\TelephonyRestAPI\Actions; use \Aculab\TelephonyRestAPI\Play; use \Aculab\TelephonyRestAPI\Redirect; $info = InstanceInfo::getInstanceInfo(); $response = new Actions(); $enteredNumber = ''; if ($info != null) { // Get the result of the run_menu action $result = $info->getActionResult(); if ($result != null && is_a($result, '\Aculab\TelephonyRestAPI\GetNumberResult')) { $enteredNumber = $result->getEnteredNumber(); } } if ($enteredNumber == '1234') { $response->add(new Redirect('PlayMessage.php')); } else { $response->add(Play::sayText('Sorry, that password is not correct. Goodbye.')); } print $response;
declare(encoding='UTF-8'); include './Config.php'; spl_autoload_register(); header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); // HTTP/1.1 header("Expires: Sat, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); // Date in the past header("Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8"); use \Aculab\TelephonyRestAPI\Actions; use \Aculab\TelephonyRestAPI\Play; use \Aculab\TelephonyRestAPI\RunMenu; use \Aculab\TelephonyRestAPI\InstanceInfo; $fidx = 0; $info = InstanceInfo::getInstanceInfo(); if ($info != null) { $fidxstr = $info->getToken(); if ($fidxstr != null) { $fidx = $fidxstr + 0; } } $response = new Actions(); $messagelist = file($message_list_filename, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES | FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES); if ($messagelist === false) { $messagelist = array(); } if ($fidx < count($messagelist)) { $response->add(Play::playFile($messagelist[$fidx])); $response->setToken( (string) $fidx ); // Create the menu action $menuPrompt = Play::sayText("Press 1 to hear the message again. Press 2 to delete it, or press 3 to save it."); $menu = new RunMenu($menuPrompt); $menu->addMenuOption('1', 'MessageReplay.php'); $menu->addMenuOption('2', 'MessageDelete.php'); $menu->addMenuOption('3', 'MessageKeep.php'); $response->add($menu); $response->add(Play::sayText('Goodbye.')); } else { $response->add(Play::sayText('End of messages. Goodbye.')); } print $response;
declare(encoding='UTF-8'); spl_autoload_register(); header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); // HTTP/1.1 header("Expires: Sat, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); // Date in the past header("Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8"); use \Aculab\TelephonyRestAPI\InstanceInfo; use \Aculab\TelephonyRestAPI\Actions; use \Aculab\TelephonyRestAPI\Play; use \Aculab\TelephonyRestAPI\Redirect; $info = InstanceInfo::getInstanceInfo(); $response = new Actions(); $response->add(Play::sayText('Playing the message again.')); $response->add(new Redirect('PlayMessage.php')); print $response;
declare(encoding='UTF-8'); include './Config.php'; spl_autoload_register(); header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); // HTTP/1.1 header("Expires: Sat, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); // Date in the past header("Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8"); use \Aculab\TelephonyRestAPI\Actions; use \Aculab\TelephonyRestAPI\Play; use \Aculab\TelephonyRestAPI\DeleteFile; use \Aculab\TelephonyRestAPI\Redirect; use \Aculab\TelephonyRestAPI\InstanceInfo; $fidx = 0; $info = InstanceInfo::getInstanceInfo(); if ($info != null) { $fidxstr = $info->getToken(); if ($fidxstr != null) { $fidx = $fidxstr + 0; } } $response = new Actions(); $messagelist = file($message_list_filename, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES | FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES); if ($messagelist === false) { $messagelist = array(); } $play = Play::sayText('Message saved.'); if (++$fidx < count($messagelist)) { $play->addText('Next message.'); } $response->add($play); $response->setToken($fidx); $response->add(new Redirect('PlayMessage.php')); print $response;
declare(encoding='UTF-8'); include './Config.php'; spl_autoload_register(); header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); // HTTP/1.1 header("Expires: Sat, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); // Date in the past header("Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8"); use \Aculab\TelephonyRestAPI\Actions; use \Aculab\TelephonyRestAPI\Play; use \Aculab\TelephonyRestAPI\DeleteFile; use \Aculab\TelephonyRestAPI\Redirect; use \Aculab\TelephonyRestAPI\InstanceInfo; $fidx = 0; $info = InstanceInfo::getInstanceInfo(); if ($info != null) { $fidxstr = $info->getToken(); if ($fidxstr != null) { $fidx = $fidxstr + 0; } } $response = new Actions(); $messagelist = file($message_list_filename, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES | FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES); if ($messagelist === false) { $messagelist = array(); } if ($fidx < count($messagelist)) { $response->add(new DeleteFile($messagelist[$fidx])); array_splice($messagelist, $fidx, 1); // rewrite the file $f = fopen($message_list_filename, 'w'); if ($f !== false) { fwrite($f, implode("\n", $messagelist)); fclose($f); } } $play = Play::sayText('Message deleted.'); if ($fidx < count($messagelist)) { $play->addText('Next message.'); } $response->add($play); $response->setToken($fidx); $response->add(new Redirect('PlayMessage.php')); print $response;
declare(encoding='UTF-8'); spl_autoload_register(); header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); // HTTP/1.1 header("Expires: Sat, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); // Date in the past header("Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8"); use \Aculab\TelephonyRestAPI\Actions; use \Aculab\TelephonyRestAPI\Play; use \Aculab\TelephonyRestAPI\Record; $resp = new Actions(); $resp->add(Play::sayText("Please leave a message after the beep. Press hash to end the recording.")); $record = new Record(); $record->setNextPage('RecordComplete.php'); $record->setBeepOnStart(true); $record->setBargeInDigits('#'); $record->setMillisecondsMaxSilence(5000); $resp->add($record); print $resp;
declare(encoding='UTF-8'); include './Config.php'; spl_autoload_register(); header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); // HTTP/1.1 header("Expires: Sat, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); // Date in the past header("Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8"); use \Aculab\TelephonyRestAPI\Actions; use \Aculab\TelephonyRestAPI\Play; use \Aculab\TelephonyRestAPI\InstanceInfo; $fname = ''; $info = InstanceInfo::getInstanceInfo(); if ($info != null) { $recordResult = $info->getActionResult(); if ($recordResult != null && $recordResult->getContainsSound()) { $fname = $recordResult->getFilename(); } } $response = new Actions(); if ($fname != '') { $messagelist = file($message_list_filename, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES | FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES); if ($messagelist === false) { $messagelist = array(); } $messagelist[] = $fname; // rewrite the file $f = fopen($message_list_filename, 'w'); if ($f !== false) { fwrite($f, implode("\n", $messagelist)); fclose($f); } $response->add(Play::sayText('Thanks for leaving a message. Goodbye.')); } else { $response->add(Play::sayText('There was no message recorded. Goodbye.')); } print $response;
declare(encoding='UTF-8'); // this is the name of the file used to store the recorded message filenames // the file must be readable and writable by the web server process $message_list_filename = '/var/www/voicemail/db/message_files.txt';
declare(encoding='UTF-8'); spl_autoload_register(); header("Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8"); $info = \Aculab\TelephonyRestAPI\InstanceInfo::getInstanceInfo(); $error = $info->getErrorResult(); $action = $error->getAction(); $desc = $error->getResult(); if (!is_null($action)) { error_log("Error from action \"$action\" with result:\n$desc\n"); } else { error_log("Error result:\n$desc\n"); } $response = new \Aculab\TelephonyRestAPI\Actions(); $response->setToken('Error'); $play = new \Aculab\TelephonyRestAPI\Play(); $play->addText('An error has occurred.'); $response->add($play); print $response;
declare(encoding='UTF-8'); spl_autoload_register(); header("Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8"); $info = \Aculab\TelephonyRestAPI\InstanceInfo::getInstanceInfo(); $call = $info->getThisCallInfo(); $callid = $call->getCallId(); $duration = $call->getSecondsCallDuration(); error_log("This all id: $callid\nThis call duration: $duration\n"); print '';