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clear input Action

  Introduced in REST API Version 2.0

Clears input that has been cached following barge in on a play action.

language wrappers and examples

The clear input properties are:

clear speechoptionaltrueClear speech input from a previous play action.
clear digitsoptionaltrueClear digit input from a previous play action.


A digit or speech can barge in a play action. The input that barged in will be cached and can subsequently be obtained using a get input action. The clear input action can clear this cached input so that only new input obtained during get input will be returned.

  • Examples:

    • Clear any barge in input between a play and get input action:

              "play_list" :
                      "text_to_say" : "The office is currently closed. It will open at 10 a m."
              "barge_in_on_speech" : true
          "clear_input" : {}
          "get_input" :
              "prompt" : 
                  "play" :
                      "play_list" :
                              "text_to_say" : "Please say the reason for your call."
              "next_page" : 
                  "url" : "useinputpage"

      If the play action is barged in with the word "next", get input plays its prompt and accepts input. The following may be returned:

      "action_result" :
          "action" : "get_input",
          "result" :
              "input_type": "speech",
              "speech_input" :
      			"alternatives" :
      					"text" : "I'm calling to close my account",
      					"confidence" : 0.83
      			"direction" : "inbound",
      			"final" : true
  • ClearInput Class
    Namespace: Aculab.Cloud.RestAPIWrapper
    Assembly: Aculab.Cloud.RestAPIWrapper.dll

    An action to clear speech and digit input that has been cached by barge in on a play action.

    • public class ClearInput : TelephonyAction
          // Constructors
          public ClearInput();
          // Members
          public bool ClearSpeech;
          public bool ClearDigits;


      • Clear any barge in input between a play and get input action:

        List<TelephonyAction> actions = new List<TelephonyAction>();
        var playAction = Play.SayText("The office is currently closed. It will open at 10 a m.");
        playAction.BargeInOnSpeech = true;
        actions.Add(new ClearInput());
        var nextPage = new WebPageRequest("UseInputPage.aspx");
        var getInputAction = new GetInput(nextPage, Play.SayText("Please say the reason for your call."));
    • public class ClearInput : TelephonyAction
          // Constructors
          public ClearInput();
          // Members
          public bool ClearSpeech;
          public bool ClearDigits;


      • Clear any barge in input between a play and get input action:

        List<TelephonyAction> actions = new List<TelephonyAction>();
        var playAction = Play.SayText("The office is currently closed. It will open at 10 a m.");
        playAction.BargeInOnSpeech = true;
        actions.Add(new ClearInput());
        var nextPage = new WebPageRequest("UseInputPage.aspx");
        var getInputAction = new GetInput(nextPage, Play.SayText("Please say the reason for your call."));
    • public class ClearInput : TelephonyAction
          // Constructors
          public ClearInput();
          // Members
          public bool ClearSpeech;
          public bool ClearDigits;


      • Clear any barge in input between a play and get input action:

        List<TelephonyAction> actions = new List<TelephonyAction>();
        var playAction = Play.SayText("The office is currently closed. It will open at 10 a m.");
        playAction.BargeInOnSpeech = true;
        actions.Add(new ClearInput());
        var nextPage = new WebPageRequest("UseInputPage.aspx");
        var getInputAction = new GetInput(nextPage, Play.SayText("Please say the reason for your call."));
  • ClearInput Class
    Namespace: Aculab.Cloud.RestAPIWrapper
    Assembly: Aculab.Cloud.RestAPIWrapper.dll

    An action to clear speech and digit input that has been cached by barge in on a play action.

    • Public Class ClearInput
          Inherits TelephonyAction
          ' Constructors
          Public Sub New ()
          ' Members
          Public Property ClearSpeech As Bool
          Public Property ClearDigits As Bool
      End Class


      • Clear any barge in input between a play and get input action:

        Dim actions = New List(Of TelephonyAction)
        Dim playAction = Play.SayText("The office is currently closed. It will open at 10 a m.")
        playAction.BargeInOnSpeech = True
        actions.Add(New ClearInput())
        Dim nextPage = New WebPageRequest("useinputpage.aspx")
        Dim getInputAction = New GetInput(nextPage, Play.SayText("Please say the reason for your call."))
    • Public Class ClearInput
          Inherits TelephonyAction
          ' Constructors
          Public Sub New ()
          ' Members
          Public Property ClearSpeech As Bool
          Public Property ClearDigits As Bool
      End Class


      • Clear any barge in input between a play and get input action:

        Dim actions = New List(Of TelephonyAction)
        Dim playAction = Play.SayText("The office is currently closed. It will open at 10 a m.")
        playAction.BargeInOnSpeech = True
        actions.Add(New ClearInput())
        Dim nextPage = New WebPageRequest("useinputpage.aspx")
        Dim getInputAction = New GetInput(nextPage, Play.SayText("Please say the reason for your call."))
  • class ClearInput extends TelephonyAction

    Represents an clear input action.

    Class synopsis:

    // Constructors:
    public ClearInput()
    public ClearInput(boolean clearSpeech, boolean clearDigits)
    // Members:
    public void setClearSpeech(boolean clearSpeech)
    public void setClearDigits(boolean clearDigits)


    • Clear any barge in input between a play and get input action:

      List<TelephonyAction> actions = new ArrayList<TelephonyAction>();
      Play playAction = Play.sayText("The office is currently closed. It will open at 10 a m.");
      GetInput getInputAction = new GetInput(new WebPageRequest("useinputpage"));
      getInputAction.setPrompt(Play.sayText("Please say the reason for your call."));
      actions.add(new ClearInput());
  • class ClearInput

    Represents a clear input action.

    Class synopsis:

    # ClearInput object:
    ClearInput(clear_speech=None, clear_digits=None)
    # Instance methods:


    • Clear any barge in input between a play and get input action:

      # Create a list of actions that will be passed to the TelephonyResponse constructor
      list_of_actions = []
      play_action = Play(text_to_say="The office is currently closed. It will open at 10 a m.")
      get_input_action = GetInput(WebPage(url='use_number_page'))
      get_input_action.set_prompt(Play(text_to_say="Please say the reason for your call."))
  • The ClearInput class


    Represents the clear input action.

    Class synopsis

    class ClearInput extends ActionBase {
        /* methods */
        public __construct()
        public self setClearSpeech(boolean $clear)
        public self setClearDigits(boolean $clear)


    • Clear any barge in input between a play and get input action:

      $play = Play::sayText("The office is currently closed. It will open at 10 a m.");
      $response->addAction(new ClearInput());
      $get_input = new GetInput("useinputpage.php");
      $get_input->setPrompt(Play::sayText("Please say the reason for your call."));