Web Service Errors
Error Codes
This page lists the error codes that can be returned by the webservice, click the error code for more information and potential solutions to common issues
Error 0107
HTTP Error code
Your account has not been enabled for access to VoiSentry. If you think this is incorrect, please contact support.Back to all Web Service Errors
Error Responses
All web service API's can respond with JSON objects, however some legacy API's return XML/HTML error responses by default.
Api's will return JSON errors if a request contains the "Accept" header with a valid json content type, "application/json" or "text/json"
We strongly recommend the use of the "Accept: application/json" on all web service requests to ensure that all error responses are returned in a consistent format.
JSON Error Response
The JSON response object always contains the two parameters, error and request. These objects are further detailed below.
Parameter Value Availability Description code string always Either an Error Code, or an HTTP status code text string always A text description of the error details string optional When multiple validation errors occur this contains a list of individual error descriptions. Only present if there are multiple errors datetime string always The timestamp for when the error occurred link string always A link to either the API documentation or documentation for a specific error code request
Parameter Value Availability Description url string always The url that was called datetime string always The timestamp for when the request was received Examples:
Single HTTP status code{ "error": { "code": "HTTP 400", "text": "Bad Request: user_id 'Bob' is already present", "datetime": "2021-01-15_08:56:24", "link": "https://www.aculab.com/cloud/web-services/voice-biometrics/users?target=service_action_tabs&tab-id=register" }, "request": { "url": "/voice_biometrics/v1/user/register", "datetime": "2021-01-15_08:56:23" } }
Single error code{ "error": { "code": "0405", "text": "Invalid token; token is either invalid, lapsed, or otherwise unidentified.", "datetime": "2022-12-12_11:32:41", "link": "https://www.aculab.com/cloud/web-services/web-service-errors?error=0405" }, "request": { "datetime": "2022-12-12_11:32:41", "url": "/file_delete_progress" } }
Multiple validation errors{ "error": { "code": "HTTP 400", "text": "Failed to validate configuration, see details for the specific failures.", "details": [ "uas.application_name 16 is not of type 'null' or 'string'.", "rest.first_page.address 'woiern' is too short.", "rest.first_page.method 'haha' is not one of ['GET', 'POST'].", "service_password None is not of type 'string'. For UAS, you must provide an application_name and service_password.", "uas.application_name 16 is not of type 'string'. For UAS, you must provide an application_name and service_password.", "fax.send.enabled False was expected. You can only enable fax when extra_channels is set to zero." ], "datetime": "2021-01-15_08:56:24", "link": "https://www.aculab.com/cloud/web-services/services/outbound?target=service_action_tabs&tab-id=Create" }, "request": { "url": "/service/v1/outbound/new_service_1", "datetime": "2021-01-15_08:56:23" } }